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Automatic notifications

Automatic notifications


Notifications inform users about events in RWTHmoodle, such as

  • changes on existing content
  • new posts in subscribed forums,
  • Changes to appointments in the appointment planner or
  • new questions in the PDF Annotator.

In RWTHmoodle these are divided into web notifications (displayed directly in RWTHmoodle) and email notifications.

When you make settings for notifications, they apply across course rooms.


Table of Contents

  1. Display of web notifications
  2. Email notifications
  3. Setting the type of notification
  4. Notification on newly uploaded files

1. Display of web notifications

The web notifications appear behind the bell symbol in the top bar. When new web notifications have been received, a number appears on the edge of the bell Bell icon for web notifications with number of unread notifications.

  1. Click on the bell to read the notifications.
  2. This opens the notification menu in which the notifications are listed.
  3. Clicking on a notification will take you directly to the associated activity.
  4. Clicking on "View full notification" will open the full text of the notification. The notification will then be considered as "read".
  5. With a click on the check mark  Check mark all messages are marked as read.
  6. Via "Show all" you can display a page with all notifications.
  7. Clicking on the cog will take you to the settings page for notifications.

    The screenshot shows a list with some example notifications, that can be activated by clicking on the bell symbol in the upper right corner.

2. Email notifications

Email notifications will be sent to the Names and e-mail addresses.


3. Setting the type of notification

In many cases, users can decide for themselves what type of notification is preferred for new events. The selected default settings are only a recommendation.

To adjust the settings, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the notification menu via the bell in the top bar and then click on the gearwheel symbol in the top right corner Geer wheel. This opens the page for the notification settings.

    The screenshot shows the notifications settings, arranged in three columns. The first column displays all available options for "Assignment", "Card Box", and "Scheduler". These options are "Assignment notification", followed by "Reminders to practice with cardbox" and "Notify when a flashcard was edited" and the three scheduler options "Invitation to book a slot", "Notification when a booking is made or cancelled", and "Reminder of an upcoming appointment". The other two columns to the right contain the switches for "Web" and "Email" for all of these options. In the right "Email" column, some of the switches are greyed out or locked.
  2. By clicking on the gray or blue slider, the corresponding notification type can be activated or deactivated. A slider with a blue background indicates that the notification type is activated. After clicking on the slider, the setting is applied immediately.

Some notification settings are enabled and disabled by default. Users cannot change these. This ensures that important messages from the teaching staff reach the students.


4. Notification on newly uploaded files

It is not possible to be informed about newly uploaded files. However, they are displayed in the "New activities" block in My Courses or in the dashboard or directly in the course room for selectable periods of time.


For more information:

last changed on 08/14/2023

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