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Extend deadline individually or groupwise

Extend deadline individually or groupwise


If necessary, you can extend the deadlines for an assignment for everyone, for individual groups, or for individual students.


Table of Contents:

1. Extend the deadline for all students
2. Extend the deadline for individual groups
3. Extend the deadline for individual students


1. Extend the deadline for all students

With this option, you extend the deadline for all students in the course room.

  1. Switch the course page to edit mode by clicking on the "Turn editing on" button in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on "Edit" behind the assignment whose deadline you want to extend.
  3. Select "Edit settings" in the context menu.
  4. In the section "Availability" adjust the dates for the due date and cut-off date. The due date will be shown to the students in the assignment itself and in the course room calendar. It does not lock submissions that have not yet been submitted via the submit button (if activated) against further editing. If a submission is submitted after the due date, you will only see a note in the submission list that the submission was submitted late. Only the cut-off date will block the submissions against further editing.
  5. Save the changes with "Save and return to course" or "Save and display".

2. Extend the deadline for single groups

With this option you can, for example, extend the deadline for the selected groups for group submissions.

  1. Open the assignment for which you want to extend the deadline for a group.
  2. Click on the gear wheel on the right within the white area. This opens the Assignment Administration.
  3. In the Assignment Administration, select the option "Group overrides".
  4. On the new page, click on the button "Add group override".
  5. Select the group for which the availability change is to apply under "Override group".
  6. Adjust the dates for the due date and cut-off date. The due date will be shown to the students in the assignment itself and in the course room calendar. It does not lock submissions that have not yet been submitted via the submit button (if activated) against further editing. If a submission is submitted after the due date, you will only see a note in the submission list that the submission was submitted late. Only the cut-off date will block the submissions against further editing.
  7. Save the changes with "Save". With "Save and enter another override" you can add further availability changes if required.

After saving, you return to the page which lists all group overrides. The link "Group overrides" in the Assignment Administration will take you to this list at any time. Here you can view all existing overrides as well as edit or delete them. If necessary, you can also create duplicates of the overrides in the list, in which you then only change the addressed group.


3. Extend the deadline for single students

With this option, you can extend the deadline for the selected students.

  1. Open the assignment for which you want to extend the deadline for selected students.
  2. Click on the gear wheel on the right within the white area. This opens the Assignment Administration.
  3. In the Assignment Administration, select the option "User overrides".
  4. On the new page, click on the button "Add user override".
  5. Select the user for whom the override should apply under "Override user". Enter the name of the user in the search field. Select the appropriate hit. Please note that you can only select one hit.
  6. Adjust the dates for the due date and cut-off date. The due date will be shown to the students in the assignment itself and in the course room calendar. It does not lock submissions that have not yet been submitted via the submit button (if activated) against further editing. If a submission is submitted after the due date, you will only see a note in the submission list that the submission was submitted late. Only the cut-off date will block the submissions against further editing.
  7. Save the changes with "Save". With "Save and enter another override" you can add further availability changes if required.

After saving, you return to the page which lists all user overrides. The link "User overrides" in the Assignment Administration will take you to this list at any time. Here you can view all existing overrides as well as edit or delete them. If necessary, you can also create duplicates of the overrides in the list, in which you then only change the selected user.


For more information:

last changed on 11/18/2022

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