Reusing StudentQuiz questions in Quiz activity
In the StudentQuiz, all question types are available that can also be used in the quiz activity. Therefore, if required, questions can be moved to quizzes and integrated there and reused as regular quiz questions. The information required for reuse in a test can either be provided in full in the StudentQuiz or added subsequently in the course of integration in the quiz activity.
1. Move questions to another category
2. Duplicate questions
3. Create new question category
1. Move questions to another category
Managers can move questions created in the StudentQuiz to another question category of the question collection if needed. These can be either subcategory of the question bank to the existing StudentQuiz or categories associated with the quiz activity. This way, you can reuse high-quality questions developed in StudentQuiz in a quiz activity without having to manually create them there again.
If you move a question from the StudentQuiz question categories to the question bank for the quiz activity, it disappears from the StudentQuiz question overview and question bank. Therefore, it is better to first create a copy of the question using the "Duplicate" option in the question bank and then move the copy to the question bank for the quiz activity. The original question will then remain in its original place.
The StudentQuiz offers 2 options to move questions to another category:
- the StudentQuiz question bank
- the question bank: About the question bank all questions are accessible, which were created in all StudentQuiz activities of a course room. This procedure is recommended if you use several StudentQuizzes in a course room and want to move questions from these to another category.
1.1. Moving questions over the main view of the StudentQuiz
If you want to move questions from StudentQuiz to another category, do the following:
- Select
the desired question(s) in advance - if necessary by setting suitable filters - in the main view
- Then open the drop-down list above the question overview to the right of the "Move to >>" entry.
- Select the category to which you want to move the marked question(s)
- Click on "Move to >>" afterwards. The questions are moved to the selected category
1.2. Moving questions via the question bank
Alternatively, you can also use the question bank to move questions to another category. To do this, proceed as follows:
- To do this, first click on the gear icon in the top right corner within the white area. The StudentQuiz administration will open.
- Click on the "Question bank" tab and then on "Questions". You will now be shown for the question bank.
- Now select the desired question(s) and then open the drop-down list below the question overview to the right of the "Move to >>" entry.
- Select the category to which you want to move the highlighted question(s) and then click on "Move to >>" . The questions will be moved to the selected category.
If you want to copy a question, for example, to move a copy of a question to another category, select the "Edit" option for the corresponding question and then "Duplicate".
You will now see the configuration settings of the selected question. If you want to leave the question to be duplicated unchanged, scroll all the way down and select "Save changes".
3. Create new question category
If you want to create a new question category first and then move questions from the StudentQuiz into it, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner within the white area. The StudentQuiz administration will open.
Click on the "Question bank" tab and then on "Categories". You will now see all categories created in the course room sorted by
- Categories for the StudentQuiz (recognizable by the label "Question categories for "StudentQuiz...")
- Categories for the test activity (recognizable by the label "Question categories for "Course...")
It is not possible to take questions from the StudentQuiz and the quiz activity in the same category at the same time. Each category or subcategory contains only questions from one of the two activities. The categories can therefore be clearly assigned to either the StudentQuiz or the quiz activity.
Likewise, it is not possible to assign identical questions to multiple categories. For this reason, moving questions from the StudentQuiz to another category (e.g. for further use in a test activity) removes the moved questions from the StudentQuiz.
You can create new categories for both the quiz activity and the StudentQuiz if necessary. If you want to create a subcategory that will be subordinate to an existing category, select the desired parent category under "Parent Category".
The category to be created will then be placed immediately below the selected top category. If, on the other hand, you want the category to be placed above all existing categories, select the "Top for..." option. When creating the categories, pay attention to whether they should be used for questions of the StudentQuiz or the Test activity. Then enter a name for the category you want to create and click on "Add category".
See also:
- General information on the StudentQuiz activity
- Quick guide for StudentQuiz (Lecturers)
- Quick guide for StudentQuiz (Students)
- Adding a StudentQuiz
- Question overview of the StudentQuiz (Lecturer's perspective)
- Question overview of the StudentQuiz (Student's perspective)
- Adding questions
- Start StudentQuiz, rate and comment questions
- Learning progress and ranking
- Sorting and filtering questions
- Change question status
- Edit, delete or move questions to Quiz activity