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Use Fair Allocation

Use Fair Allocation


The activity Fair Allocation allows you to distribute different resources among students according to the priority principle to maximize overall satisfaction with the distribution. An activity Fair Allocation is created in two steps: first the Fair Allocation is added, then the options are created.


Table of Contents

  1. Overview page of the activity
  2. Student View

1. Overview page of the activity

The activity overview page displays a range of data on Fair Allocation and allows you to add choices, start the distribution and publish it. You can access the overview page by clicking on the activity on the course page.

1.1. Status

The status shows the dates for the start and end of voting, the estimated publication date and the enabled options.

1.2. Add choices

Here you can specify the choices that you want the students to choose from.

  • Click on "Edit choices". The list of choices appears.
  • To create a new choice, click "Add new choice".
  • Give the option a title and optionally a description.
  • Specify the maximum number of participants that can be assigned the option during the distribution process.
  • With the option "Choice is active" you determine whether students should be offered this option.
  • Click "Save changes" to save the new option. You will then return to the list of options. If you would like to create additional electives, continue with "Save and add next" instead.

1.3. Perform allocation

If you open the activity on the course page and the end of the voting period has been reached, you can use the button "Run Allocation Algorithm" to execute the allocation algorithm. You can also use the button "Manual Allocation Form" to distribute students manually or to postprocess the distribution by the algorithm.

1.4. Publish results / Create Moodle groups

After the allocation has been performed, you can publish the results. Students will then be able to see which of the options they have chosen has been assigned to them.

The "Create Groups From Allocation" button allows you to add the options as groups to the group module. The titles of the options will then become the group names. The group members are determined by the allocation to the options.

1.5. Reports

The "Reports" area shows you different views of the distribution. All reports can be downloaded in different file formats.

  • Show Ratings and Allocations: This view shows a list of students and their voting behaviour.
  • Show Allocations Overview: This statistic gives an overview of the allocations for this Fair Allocation. All students who took part in the voting without being assigned are displayed under 'No assignment'.
  • Show Allocation Statistics: This table provides an overview of the distribution. It is calculated in accordance with the students' votes for their choices.

2. Student View

The student view is divided into two parts: It shows the status of Equitable Distribution and allows you to call up the voting page.

2.1. Status

The status page shows a range of information on Fair Allocation:

  • Rating ends at - The end date for the rating. After this date, students cannot rate anymore.
  • Time Remaining - The time remaining to participate in the rating.
  • Estimated publication date - The estimated publication date for the result of the allocation.
  • Rateable choices - The options to rate.
  • Your rating - A summary of your own rating.

If the rating is still open, students can make their choice by clicking "Edit Rating".

If the rating is still open, students can use "Delete Rating" to delete their previous choice.

2.2. Edit Rating

After clicking the button "Edit Rating" the page "Your Rating" opens. Here the rating strategy is described and the rating options with suitable action options are offered.


For further information:

last changed on 11/13/2023

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