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General info on Grades

General info on Grades

Brief information

All student grades are stored in the "Grader report" of the course room. This overview is accessed via the link "Grades" on the left in the navigation menu.

In the grader report, all evaluation aspects can be found and as a manager, you can view the associated grades, change them, structure them using evaluation categories and combine grades with different aggregation types. When an graded activity is created in RWTHmoodle, a corresponding placeholder for the associated student grades is automatically created in the grader report. The grades are automatically entered into the overview and can be changed manually by managers.

The grades are initially taken and displayed as raw grades directly from the graded activities, so they depend on the settings in the respective activities. For example, if there is a maximum of 30 points for a task submission, then the respective rating is displayed as a score and not as a percentage value.

     Detailed information

    Table of contents

    1. Display
    2. Scrolling in the grader report
    3. Sort by columns
    4. Edit grades

    1. Display

    The grader report is a table with several columns. At the top is the name of the lcourse room and the evaluation category(ies), followed by columns for each graded activity in the course sorted by evaluation category. Graded activities that are not categorized are assigned to the default category (course room name).

    You can add a row that displays the range of each score (Minimum Points- Maximum Points) by clicking the drop-down menu at the top of the page in the grader report, and then selecting "Preferences: Grader report" in the Setup section. Then set the "Show ranges" option to "Yes". Apply the changes by clicking "Save changes". The area will then be inserted at the bottom of the table.

    There are three options for displaying ratings of rating categories:

    • This picture shows 'rating only' symbol "Rating only" - points only, without column for overall category rating
    • This picture shows 'totals only' symbol "Totals only" - only the column for the overall rating of the category.
    • This picture shows 'full view' symbol "Full view" - points all rating aspects of a category and column for the overall rating of the category.

    You can switch between the three views by clicking on the corresponding icon behind the rating category (at the top of the table).


    2. Scrolling in the grader report

    You can easily scroll horizontally and vertically in the rating overview. The entire browser window width is used, so scrolling works on all displays. The name column remains if you scroll far to the right. This way you keep the assignment of the individual grades to the students.



    The horizontal scrollbar is at the bottom of the browser window. There is no horizontal scrollbar at the top.

    3. Sort by columns

    You can sort any column. To do this, click the arrow icon  This picture shows arrow icon in the header next to the column you want to sort. Then the icon changes and shows a single arrow pointing down. Clicking it again will re-sort, starting with the smallest value, and the arrow icon will change to an up arrow. The arrow icons (up / down) will change each time you click again until you click on another column.

    If you click on the pencil icon This picture shows pencil icon next to the arrows, then you can switch to the single view.

    You can also sort the participants (alphabetically) by clicking on the "Last Name" or "First Name" link in the header. A repeated click will reverse the sort order. If you click on the pencil icon next to the name, you can click into the assessment overview of the corresponding student.


    Search and filter assessments

    If you set the group mode to "Visible groups" or "Separated groups" in the course settings, then a drop-down menu will appear at the top of the scorer overview from which you can select a group. The table will then show only the ratings of the members of the selected group.

    You can also search for individual students by entering their name or matriculation number in the search field, for example. Alternatively, you can filter the table entries via "Filter by name" using the first letter of the first name and/or the last name of the person you are looking for.


    4. Edit grades



    The button "Switch on editing" in the grader report works independently from the button "Switch on editing" on the course page, i.e. you can switch on the editing mode in the grader report while it is switched off on the course page.  So when you edit assessments in the assessment overview, only assessments are actually changed. However, this has nothing to do with editing the course page. The appearance of the course page cannot be influenced by editing ratings.

    4.1. Change grades

    You can click the "Turn on editing" button at the top right of the grader reoport to display an edit icon next to each rating. Clicking on it will take you to a new page where you can edit the corresponding grade, enter feedback and more.

    Alternatively, you can enable the options "Quick assessment" (already enabled by default in RWTHmoodle) and "Show quick feedback". To do this, click on the drop-down menu at the top of the page in the assessment overview and then in the "Settings" section on "Basic settings: Rater Overview". If these options are activated, then input fields for evaluations or feedback will appear directly in the evaluation overview, so that you can evaluate several students at once. This procedure saves you a lot of time.



    In the "Preferences: Grader report", under "General", the "Enable Ajax" option is enabled by default. This will automatically save changes you make in the grader report when you press the Enter key or move to the next field. If you deactivate this option, remember that you must save changes to the ratings using the "Save changes" button.

    If you change ratings directly in the grader report, these manually changed grades are highlighted in color.


    4.2. Change grades in the single view

    There is also the possibility to change grades in the single view: To do this, click on the "Single view" tab in the grader report.



    You can also access this page by clicking on the pencil icon in the header of a column in the grader report or next to a person's name.

    The single view allows you to enter multiple grades at once: either for one evaluation aspect or for one person. To change one or more grades, select the corresponding checkbox in the "Overwrite" column or use the "All" link to select all checkboxes with one click. If you want to enter the same grade everywhere, check the "Perform bulk insert" checkbox and enter the desired score in the "Insert value" field. In the "For" drop-down menu, you can choose whether the score should be entered only for "Empty grades" or for "All grades". If you click on the "Save" button, then the grader report with the overwritten grades for the selected evaluation aspect or person will be displayed.


    4.3. Hide columns or individual evaluations

    When you switch the grader report to edit mode, the familiar eye icon appears behind each rating and in the header, which you can use to show or hide the rating.



    If you do not see the icon, click the drop-down menu at the top of the page in the grader report and then click "Setup" in the "Preferences: grader report". Then set the "Show icons" setting to "Yes". 

    4.4. Calculate revaluation:

    If you make any changes to the grades, for example, adjust the maximum score for a quiz question, then the grade table may not yet properly reflect this change. In this case, click the "Turn on edit" button twice (turn edit mode on and off again) to update the table.

     Additional information

    See also:

    last changed on 07/04/2024

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