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Student course evaluation (EvaSys)

Student course evaluation (EvaSys)


The block "Surveys (RWTH)" on the dashboard in RWTHmoodle gives teachers and students easy access to the student course evaluation. This can be carried out as an online survey using EvaSys.

Students assess the quality of their courses and thus have the opportunity to express commendation, criticism and suggestions. In this way, they contribute to the improvement of their courses and the dialogue between learners and lecturers is strengthened.

A manual on how to set up an evaluation via RWTHonline for your courses can be found here: Stud. Set up LV evaluation (only available in German).

If you have any questions about the student course evaluation, you can contact Division 6.2 - Teaching and Learning.



1. Where can I find EvaSys in Moodle?
2. How do I participate in surveys?
3. Why is the EvaSys block not permanently available?


1. Where can I find EvaSys in Moodle?

Both teachers and students can access the EvaSys evaluations via the "Surveys (RWTH)" block on the dashboard. The block is located in the block drawer on the right. Students only see it in the evaluation phase and only as long as they have not yet answered all surveys. 

Below is the view from a student and manager perspective.



    If a person has both roles in the course room, these two perspectives will be linked. In this case, the list of surveys for the role 'Student' is arranged above the surveys for the role 'Manager'.

    Student perspective:

    1. Block

    The screenshot show the EvaSys block from student perspective. It contains the header "Surveys (RWTH)", and a list with one survey that is ready to take. The list is titled "My Survey Dashboard" along with a EvaSys logo. The list entry has the title "21W-82.45618 Microeconometrics" with an arrow as a link on the right side. Beneath this list there is a button titled "All surveys".

    To view all surveys, click on "All Surveys".


    2. Overview of all surveys

    The screenshot shows an overview of all surveys available to the student. The list contains two entries and is titled "My Survey Dashboard". Both entries are listed with the respective title, a person responsible, the number of days the survey can still be taken along with the day the survey will turn unavailable. A white arrow on a blue circle links to each survey. Below the list there is a "Did you know?" section giving some information on data protection.

    This view contains all open surveys that need to be edited.


    Manager perspective:

    1. Block

    The screenshot show the EvaSys block for a manager. It contains the header "Surveys (RWTH)", and a list with one survey that is ready to be taken. The list is titled "My Survey Dashboard" along with a EvaSys logo. The list entry has the title "21W-82.45618 Microeconometrics", it shows how many participants did the survey along with the maximum number, and the number of days the survey will be available. Beneath this list there is a button titled "All surveys".

    To view all surveys, click on "All Surveys".


    2. Overview of all surveys

    The screenshot shows an overview of all surveys available to the manager. The list contains two entries and is titled "My Survey Dashboard". Both entries are listed with the respective title, a globe icon, the number of responses together with the number of maximum participants, a pie chart visualizing this data. The first entry also shows the number of days the survey can still be taken along with the day the survey will turn unavailable. The second entry offers two icons to download the response data as a PDF or HTML document.

    All surveys assigned to the instructor in EvaSys are displayed here. The progress of the surveys is given as a percentage. The results of the survey can be accessed here and downloaded as a PDF.


    2. How do I participate in surveys?

    You can participate in a survey as a student by clicking on the button next to the name of the survey Button to enter the survey

    The survey will then open.


    3. Why is the EvaSys block not permanently available?

    The EvaSys block is only visible if not all surveys have been edited yet. If a student has already participated in all available surveys, the block disappears from the dashboard.


    See also:

    last changed on 07/26/2024

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