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TinyMCE editor

TinyMCE editor


TinyMCE is a powerful text editor that allows users to create formatted content via a user-friendly interface.

It is used wherever text needs to be entered: In headings and descriptions of course sections, in descriptions of activities and resources, in input fields for forum posts, test questions or assignments, etc.



With the upgrade to Moodle 4.3 on May 23, 2024, the text editor TinyMCE has replaced the text editor "Atto" as default editor in RWTHmoodle.



  1. Structure and functions
  2. More information

1. Structure and functions

The functions in the text editor TinyMCE can be accessed via the menu bar, the toolbar and context menus.

Screenshot with the elements of the editor marked

  • Reference screenshot number one Menu bar: Via the menu bar, you can access a wide range of functions.
  • Reference screenshot number two Toolbar: The most frequently used functions are available for quick access via buttons in the toolbar.
  • Reference screenshot number three Context menus: In the editor window, various context menus are available after selecting the content, e.g. for editing text or tables.

Some of the functions can be found both in the toolbar and in the menus.


1.1 Functions in the toolbar

The functions in the toolbar are displayed in several lines depending on the window size. By default, you only see one line. Click on the three-dot button Three-dot button to show the second or all additional lines and thus display all the functions available in the toolbar.


  • Undo button Undo
  • Redo button Redo
  • Bold button Bold
  • Italic button Italic
  • Text foreground colour button Text foreground colour
  • Text background colour button Text background colour
  • Image button Insert image
  • Multimedia button Insert multimedia - link, video or audio
  • Record audio button Record audio
  • Record video button Record video
  • H5P button Configure H5P content
  • Add link button Add link
  • Unlink button Unlink
  • Preview button Preview
  • Fullscreen button Fullscreen
  • More button Show and hide rows in the toolbar
  • Align left button Align left
  • Align center button Align center
  • Align right button Align right
  • Left to right button Left to right
  • Right to left button Right to left
  • Decrease indent button Decrease indent
  • Increase indent button Increase indent
  • Bullet list button Bullet list
  • Numbered list button Numbered list
  • Equation editor button Equation editor - With the help of this editor, mathematical formulas can be created very easily without having to know TeX notation. However, you can also write LaTeX code directly into the editor. This is rendered into formulas using MathJax.

1.2 Functions in the menu bar

Via the menu bar, you have access to the menus "Edit", "View", "Insert", "Format", "Tools" and "Table".

Menu bar

Some menu options open a submenu.


1.2.1 Edit menu

Edit menu

  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Paste as text
  • Select all
  • Find and replace

1.2.2 View menu

View menu

  • Source code - display HTML code
  • Visual aids - e.g. display anchors
  • Show invisible characters - e.g. protected blanks
  • Show blocks - blocks created in the text, e.g. paragraph formats
  • Fullscreen

1.2.3 Insert menu

Insert menu

  • Image
  • Link
  • Multimedia - link, video or audio
  • Record audio
  • Code sample - add code in different languages, e.g. HTML/XML, JavaScript, CSS
  • Table
  • Special character
  • Emojis
  • Horizontal line
  • Page break
  • Nonbreaking space
  • Anchor
  • Date/time - provides different formats
  • Equation editor - With the help of this editor, mathematical formulas can be created very easily without having to know TeX notation. However, you can also write LaTeX code directly into the editor. This is rendered into formulas using MathJax.
  • Insert H5P content

1.2.4 Format menu

Format menu

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough
  • Superscript
  • Subscript
  • Code
  • Blocks - formatting options such as headings and paragraphs
  • Align
  • Line height
  • Clear formatting

1.2.5 Tools menu

Tools menu

  • Source code - display HTML code
  • Word count
  • Accessibility checker
  • Media manager - Add, delete or overwrite files in the present area

1.2.6 Table menu

Table menu

  • Table
  • Cell
  • Row
  • Column
  • Table properties
  • Delete table

2. More information

Detailed instructions for TinyMCE can be found in the official Moodle documentation.



For more information:

last changed on 06/21/2024

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GNU General Public License 3
This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License