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Add Fair Allocation

Add Fair Allocation


The activity Fair Allocation allows you to distribute different resources among students according to the priority principle to maximize overall satisfaction with the distribution. To this end, managers provide several choices in the activity that can be evaluated by students. In a next step, an algorithm automatically calculates the best distribution based on user preferences.

Resources that can be distributed throughout the activity are, for example, tutorial groups, topics for papers or theses, or time slots.


Table of Contents

  1. Add Fair Allocation
  2. Configure Fair Allocation

1. Add Fair Allocation

  1. Switch the course room into edit mode by using the "Edit mode" slider next to your name in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on the link " Add an activity or resource" in the appropriate course section.
  3. Mark the checkbox at "Fair Allocation".
  4. Click on the button "Add" to create a Fair Allocation. You will automatically be forwarded to the settings page to configure your new activity.

2. Configure Fair Allocation

2.1. Name and description

Give the Fair Allocation a meaningful name. This name is displayed on the course room page and opens the details of the activity by clicking on it. Write a short description of the activity in the field "Description" and use the option "Display description on course page" to determine whether your description should be visible on the course page.

2.2. Voting strategies

The voting strategy is one of the central settings of Fair Allocation. It determines how students can evaluate the available choices. There are six different strategies available:

  • Accept - Deny: Students can vote for each choice whether they would accept or reject it.
  • Accept - Neutral - Deny: Students can vote for each choice whether they would accept or reject it or whether they are neutral towards this choice.
  • Likert scale: Students can vote for each choice on a scale of positive integers. The scale starts with 0 and can be set to an end value in the settings. A high number means a high preference.
  • Give points: Students can assign points for each choice. The total number of points to be awarded can be set in the settings. The more points the option receives, the higher is its preference.
  • Rank choices: Students can specify and order their N best choices. You can set how many choices have to be given.
  • Tick accept: Students can indicate for each option whether it is acceptable to them by checking the boxes.

In the background, each choice option is assigned an integer value for use within the algorithm.

2.3. Date settings

There are three dates that are of interest in the Fair Allocation procedure.

  • Rating begins at: This date indicates the time when the rating will begin.
  • Rating ends at: This date indicates the time at which the polling will close. From this date on, students cannot change their vote. In addition, any further distribution steps offered to managers will only be activated after the voting phase has ended.
  • Estimated publication date: This date does not affect the end of the activity, but gives managers the opportunity to indicate the estimated publication date. This date can be disabled.

The option "Automatic allocation after rating period" allows you to specify whether distribution should be done automatically after the end of the voting phase.

2.4. Strategy specific options

Each rating strategy offers individual settings, which are only enabled for editing when the respective strategy is selected. There are some options that many strategies have in common:

  • Maximum number of choices the user can rate with "Deny" (Reject/accept) or maximum number of choices the user can rate with 0 (Likert scale, give points): Here you can enter a number that limits the number of choices that students can reject or that they can rate as 0. Internally the options "no", 0, etc. are assigned the value 0. In order to reduce the number of students who could not be assigned a selection according to their choice, students should be forced to rate an appropriate number of choices. All students who could not be assessed by the algorithm must be assigned manually afterwards!
  • Designation: You can assign an individual label to each selection option. If you do not enter a name, the activity takes on the default value.
  • Total number of points the user can assign (Give Points): Number of points that can be awarded when evaluating the various selection options. All points must add up to this value.
  • Minimum number of fields the user has to vote on (Rank choices): Albeit the title suggests a different understanding this is the exact number (not: minimum number) of choices that students must evaluate. The number 3, for example, means that exactly 3 preferences must be given and put in an order.
  • Minimum number of choices to accept (Tick accept): minimum number of choices that students have to grade at least. The number 3 for example means that at least 3 options must be ticked and therefore accepted.

2.5. Outcomes

If you have created learning outcomes for the course you can select here which learning outcomes should be linked to this activity. These outcomes are listed in the grades section together with the activity and can be graded separately with the grading scale assigned to them.

2.6. Common module settings

  • Availability: Choose whether Fair Allocation should be immediately visible to students or hidden from them.
  • ID Number: The ID number for Fair Allocation is used to assign a name that can be used in the "Grades" section when calculating overall grades. If Fair Allocation is not needed to calculate assessments, the field can be left blank.

2.7. Restrict access

These settings allow you to link the visibility and availability of Fair Allocation to certain conditions for students. For more information, see the article Restrict Access.

2.8. Activity completion

With these settings you define criteria or conditions when an activity is considered completed . For detailed information, see the article Settings for activity completion.

2.9. Save

Clicking on "Save and go to course" will return you to the course page. 

2.10. Notification about content change

The settings for the activities can be reached after creating them within the activity via the central menu navigation. Here you will find activity-specific settings and you can also save the activity directly individually.

If you subsequently make changes to the settings, activate the checkbox "Send notification of content change" to inform all participants about the new or changed activity. All participants who can access the activity receive the notification.


For further information:

last changed on 11/13/2023

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