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General info on Group creation

General info on Group creation


RWTHmoodle offers you three different options to create and manage groups. Depending on the teaching scenario you can choose the best solution for you.

All groups, group memberships, and groupings are always reflected in RWTHmoodle in the "Groups" section of the participant administration, no matter which of the three options was used to create them. Here they can also be edited or deleted later.

The different group formation methods are covered in the instructions linked below.


1. Groups section in participant administration (Default)

By default, RWTHmoodle offers a "Groups" section via the drop-down menu on the participants' page, which allows you to create groups and assign members:

  • Create single groups manually
  • Create multiple groups automatically according to definable parameters
  • Import groups
  • Import group members group by group
  • Distribute students manually or automatically to groups according to definable parameters
  • Create groupings manually and automatically

2. Activity Group Tool

This plugin offers an option for self-registration for predefined groups:

  • Create multiple groups automatically according to definable parameters
  • Automatically distribute students to groups according to definable parameters
  • Self-registration of students to predefined groups (with waiting list option)
  • Import group members into existing groups (we rather recommend the import function via the participant list, see above)
  • Create groupings automatically
  • Group evaluation

3. Activity Fair Allocation

This plugin can also be used for group formation with students registering themselves into groups. In this case, however, the self-registration is not done on a first-come-first-serve basis, but as an optimized distribution based on priorities indicated by the students. The result of the distribution can be transferred to Moodle groups with a mouse click.


 For further information: 

last changed on 08/22/2023

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