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Use of self enrolment (students)

Use of self enrolment (students)


Self enrolment (with or without enrollment key) is an enrolment method where you as a student can enroll yourself in a course. Self-enrolment is only possible in course rooms that have been activated for self-enrollment by your lecturer. After a successful self-enrollment, you can unenroll from the course room at any time, if necessary.



1. Participation via the self-enrolment
2. Unenroling from a course room


1. Participation via the self-enrollment

If teachers offer the possibility of self-enrollment in a course room, students can enroll themselves in it. To do so, they need the exact link to the course room and, if necessary, an enrollment key. This information will be provided to them by the course instructors. Both the period of enrolment and the duration of participation after successful enrollment can be limited in time. After the time limit has expired, enrolment is no longer possible or the contents of the course room are no longer available. Exact details on the enrolment period or the participation period must be requested from the instructors.

1.1 Self enrolment without enrolment key

If the instructor has not set a course key for self-enrolment, you can enroll in the course room with a simple mouse click. The prerequisite for self-enrolment is that you are logged into RWTHmoodle with your user name and password and that you have the link to the course room. Click on "Enrol me" with a single mouse click.

The screenshot shows the "Self enrollment (Extra User)" dialogue. It says "No enrolment key required." At the bottom the button "Enrol me" is the last item on this screenshot.

1.2 Self enrolment without enrolment key

If the instructors have set a course key for self-enrolment, enrolment is only possible after you have entered the key correctly. You will receive the course key from the instructors. In addition, you must be logged in to RWTHmoodle with your user name and password and have the link to the course room. Now enter the enrollment key and click on "Enroll me" by mouse click.

The screenshot "Self enrolment (Extra User)" has an input field for the "Enrolment key". Like with a password field, the entered text is replaced with small dots. The button "Enrol me" is the last item in the box.

1.3 Self enrolment in a group

Your instructor can configure self-enrollment to automatically assign you to a specific group within the course room when you enter an enrolment key. In the case of multiple groups, there is a separate enrolment key for each group. In this case, use the enrolment key relevant for you to enroll in the group intended for you.

To check which group you have been assigned to after successful enrolment, click on the "Participants" entry in the navigation bar on the left to get to see the list of participants. You can then see the group you have been assigned to in the "Groups" column. If the column does not contain an entry for your name, you have not been assigned to a group:

The screenshot is an extract from the participants list, showing the name, the email address and the group of the participant.



If an enrolment start and/or enrolment end date has been specified, enrolment before or after these dates is not possible. This will be indicated to you with a message. In addition, instructors have the option of limiting the number of course participants. In this case, as soon as a predefined upper limit of self enrolments is reached, no further enrolments are possible. You will also receive a corresponding message.

2. Unenroling from a course room

After successful enrolment, you can unenroll from a course room if necessary, e.g. if you no longer wish to participate in the course or have successfully completed it. To do this, click on the gear icon Gear Icon in the top right-hand corner to go to the course administration. Then click on the option "Unenroll me from ...".

The screenshot shows a part of the "Course administration" with the "Unenrol me from Beispielraum" link.

Then confirm that you want to log out of the course room by clicking "Continue".

The screenshot shows the "Confirm" dialogue for unenrolment. The text reads "Do you really want to unenrol yourself from course "Beispielraum"?". The dialogue can be closed using either the "Continue" or the "Cancel" button.



After being unenrolled, you can re-enroll in the same course room, given that a possible end of enrolment has not yet been exceeded and a possible maximum number of course participants has not yet been reached. Please also note that by unenroling and then re-enrolling, all of your activities (e.g. forum posts, tests, or submitted assignments) and grades up to that point will stay in the course room. It is therefore not possible to get a "second chance" with better grades.


For more information:

last changed on 08/22/2023

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