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Accessibility of H5P

Accessibility of H5P


Managers can use the Interactive Content (H5P) activity to provide videos in the RWTHmoodle course room where learners have to react to certain tasks or elements. H5P has over 50 different modules (called content types) that differ significantly from each other in terms of accessibility. Taken as a whole, H5P content types are limited accessibility, with no content type being fully accessible. In particular, H5P content types that function as purely visual tools do not provide sufficient accessibility.


The "Kompetenzzentrum digitale" has tested the majority of the content types available in H5P from an accessibility perspective. The detailed test results are documented for each content type tested and are available on the homepage of the Kompetenzzentrum digitale Below is an overall summary of the test results. Based on these results, it can be seen that none of the content types tested can be used in an accessible way without restrictions for everyone. The results support teachers in deciding whether the H5P content type can be used for their purposes or whether, if necessary, an alternative offers more possibilities.

Hilfsmittel/ArbeitstechnikScreenreaderKeyboard operationVoice control (iOS)Zoom/contrastwithout assistive technology
Arithmetic Quizo++++
Branching Scenarioo+o++
Dialogue Cards+++o+
Documentation Tools++o++
Drag and Drop-ooo+
Drag the Word-+o++
Fill in the blanks++++o
Hot Spot++o++
Hot Spot/Find the Hotspot--+++
Image Sequencingo+-++
Interactive Course presentation-++++
Mark the wordso++++
+= well suited; o = moderately suited, adjustments necessary; ­­­- = unsuitable  

Status: May 2023

Licence information: „H5P - Ergebnisse der Barrierefreiheits- und Usabiltytests und Empfehlungen zum Einsatz in Studium und Lehre. Kompetenzzentrum digitale, Technical University of Dortmund, Status: May 2023“, CC BY 4.0.



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    last changed on 11/30/2023

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    GNU General Public License 3
    This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License