You are located in service: IT-ServiceDesk

Contact & Opening Times

Contact & Opening Times


Please note

From 24.06.2024, the upper entrance at the IT Service Desk will be closed due to construction work. During this time, you can reach us via the lower entrance at the InfoPoint. The way to the IT Service Desk through the building is signposted.

Every fourth Friday of each month all locations are closed from 8 to 10:30am!
You can reach us via mail to e-mail and via telephone.

The IT-ServiceDesk opening hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8am to 5pm
  • Friday: 8am to 4pm

For changes see news & announcements on the IT Center website.

You can reach the IT-ServiceDesk during the opening hours via phone, chat or e-mail:

Visit one of our offices during the opening hours to get personal support:

last changed on 06/24/2024

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