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VPL administration

VPL administration


Once you have created the activity, you can further configure it. To do this, click on the gear wheel in the upper right corner of the activity. You now have access to three configuration categories bundling different setting options:

  1. VPL Administration
  2. Advanced Settings
  3. Test Activity



1. VPL Administration
2. Advanced Settings
3. Test activity

 1. VPL Administration

In the VPL Administration tab you can choose the following settings:

  • Edit Settings - Edit the settings as you did when creating the activity.
  • Test Cases - Create and edit automated test cases.
  • Execution Options - Settings for programming language, execution, debugging, and automatic evaluation.
  • Requested Files - Create files that the students should submit. Here you can also specify a code construct.
  • Virtual programming labs - Overview of all existing VPL activities of the course room.
  • Check permissions - Here you can check what rights individual users have in the activity.


2. Advanced settings

Here you can choose the following settings:

  • Execution Files - Edit execution files for execution, debugging and evaluation.
  • Maximum execution resources limits - Set maximum execution time, maximum memory used, size and processors / threads.
  • Files to keep when running - Select which additional files should be available during execution, for example, additional classes that you provide.
  • Variations - Create different variations of your assignment to make plagiarism more difficult.
  • Check execution servers - Error messages from the jail server. Check here if the jail server is offline.
  • Local execution servers - Not relevant.


3. Test activity

This category leads to the same configuration options as the Test Activity tab on the VPL activity overview page.



Please read about this:

Overview page of a VPL assignment

last changed on 09/26/2022

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