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System language

System language


The system language primarily depends on your individual browser settings. It can be adjusted either via the user profile for the duration of a RWTHmoodle session or permanently in the system settings, independently of the browser settings.


  1. Temporary override of the displayed language for the duration of a RWTHmoodle session
  2. Permanent override of the language adopted by the browser

1. Temporary override of the displayed language for the duration of a RWTHmoodle session

To override the language adopted by the browser for the duration of a RWTHmoodle session (i.e. until the next RWTHmoodle restart), proceed as follows:

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner.
    The screenshot shows the upper right corner where clicking on your initials will open a dropdown menu.
  2. Click "Language" in the pop-up list.
    After clicking on your initials to open the dropdown menu, a menu with the following options is displayed: "Profile", "Grades", "Calendar", "Private files", "Preferences", "Language", and "Log out". The option "Language" is highlighted.
  3. Under "Language selector", select either German or English.
    This screenshots shows the menu for the "Language selector", that is offering the options "Deutsch" and "English".

2. Permanent override of the language adopted by the browser

    To permanently overwrite the language adopted by the browser, proceed as follows:

    1. Click on your name in the upper right corner.
      The screenshot shows the upper right corner where clicking on your initials will open a dropdown menu.
    2. Click "Preferences" in the pop-up list.

      After clicking on your initials to open the dropdown menu, a menu with the following options is displayed: "Profile", "Grades", "Calendar", "Private files", "Preferences", "Switch role to...", "Language", and "Log out". The option "Preferences" is highlighted.

    3. Click "Preferred language" in the user account

      The screenshots shows the "Preferences" menu in the user account, offering the following options: "Edit profile", "Preferred language", "Forum preferences", "Editor preferences", "Calendar preferences", "Content bank preferences", "Security keys", "Message preferences", and "Notification preferences". The option "Preferred language" is highlighted.
    4. Select between German or English under "Preferred language".
      This small screenshot shows the two options "Deutsch" and "English" that can be selected in a dropdown menu in the "Preferred language" section.


    Managers can force German or English as the default language for a course room. This setting will override the personal settings chosen by users.


    For more information:

    last changed on 08/14/2023

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    GNU General Public License 3
    This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License