Guidelines for distribution of copyright protected material
The following rules concerning the provided material apply to all users of a course room:
All content, especially texts, videos, images and graphics, is protected under copyright law. They may only be used by course participants within the RWTHmoodle course room and only for private purposes.
Without the author’s written consent or legal permission, no content may be copied, edited, duplicated or published, neither partially nor as a whole. Sharing material outside the limited body of participants in the RWTHmoodle course room constitutes a publication requiring permission.
Content licensed under “Creative Commons” are marked as such. They may be used in compliance with the license’s specified conditions.
Breaches of this copyright law (e.g. unlawful publishing or sharing of writing or images) are liable to persecution under sec. 106 ff. UrhG (only available in German) as well as a warning which is subject to charges. The right holders are entitled to financial compensation (sec. 97 UrhG (only available in German)).