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Create and answer quiz questions

Create and answer quiz questions


Quizzes in RWTHmoodle are particularly encouraged for monitoring learning progress throughout the course (known as formative assessment).

  • Lecturers can create a Quiz with different types of questions, which the students then answer.
  • In the StudentQuiz, students have the opportunity to create their own questions and evaluate the questions submitted by their fellow students.
  • In H5P and Lessons, quiz questions can be combined with learning content.


On the topic of quiz questions, the CLS offers training every two months, focusing on the Test activity, its various question types, and configuration options. Further information on the training and registration can be found in the Events Database.


  1. What Moodle activities are available that can be used for quizzes?
  2. Comparison of quiz question activities
  3. Question Bank & Content Bank

1. What Moodle activities are available that can be used for quizzes?

1.1 Quiz

  • The Quiz activity allows you to create electronic tests with a wide variety of question types (including multiple-choice questions, true/false questions, and short answer questions) and use them in your course for learning assessment.
  • The grades from a quiz do not necessarily have to be included in the course's gradebook. They are often only used to give students an overview of their learning progress.
  • To give students an incentive to take the Quiz, many chairs use the tests to award bonus points that count towards the exam grade.
  • The quiz content consists of the questions that you select from the central Question Bank of the course for the respective quiz. You can define a specific question set for a quiz, which is presented to all students equally, or you can choose random questions instead in order to randomize and individualize the quizzes. It is also possible to use randomly generated numerical values for calculations in certain question types.
  • The questions in the Question bank can also be integrated individually into Text and media areas, Pages or the Book resource via the TinyMCE editor and thus linked to content. These embedded questions are used here to ensure understanding.
  • Instructions for configuring and using the Quiz activity

1.2 StudentQuiz

  • With the StudentQuiz, students and lecturers can together create a pool of questions in RWTHmoodle. All question types that can also be used in the test activity are available for this (including multiple choice, true/false, drag and drop etc.).
  • During a quiz session, the questions created can be answered by the students and then individually rated and commented on. The quality and level of difficulty of each submitted question is determined based on the response behavior and the ratings.
  • Selected questions can be moved to Quiz activity if required and reused as regular quiz questions.
  • Instructions for configuring and using the StudentQuiz

1.3 H5P

  • H5P is a tool for creating interactive learning materials. H5P offers a wide range of content types, including quizzes and tests with different types of questions for practicing.
  • H5P content is comparatively easy to create. Existing learning materials (e.g. videos, presentations) can be supplemented with interactive quiz questions without much effort.
  • Many question types available in the Quiz activity have similar or even identical counterparts in H5P content types.
  • The question content types available in H5P have the advantage that they can be combined with each other and with other content types in many ways.
  • Instructions for configuring and using H5P content types

1.4 Lesson

  • A lesson is a compilation of several pages that are linked together.
  • A page can contain text, images, or videos, as well as interactive content made up of quiz questions.
  • Students can either be guided linearly from one page to the next or given the option to choose from multiple subsequent pages.
  • This allows for the modeling of individual learning paths based on the students' responses, or additional content can be offered to those who require extra support.
  • The official Moodle documentation provides detailed information on configuring and using the 'Lesson' activity


2. Comparison of quiz question activities


QuizStudentQuizInteractive Content (H5P)Lesson
Different types of questions can be combined with each othercriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilled
Open & semi-open questions can be usedcriterion fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilled
Grading for students is possiblecriterion fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilled
Questions can be taken from the Question Bankcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion fulfilled
Students can create their own questionscriterion not fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilled
Students can rate & comment on questionscriterion not fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilled
Extensive test statistics for all quiz questionscriterion fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilled
Questions can be linked with other content to form learning unitscriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilled
Use of random questions in quizzescriterion fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilled
Embedding of test questions in content possible (via TinyMCE editor)erfülltnicht erfülltnicht erfülltnicht erfüllt
Suitable for exam-like situations (e.g., awarding bonus points)erfülltnicht erfülltnicht erfülltnicht erfüllt

3. Question Bank & Content Bank

All questions used within a course room room in the “Quiz” and in the “StudentQuiz” are stored in the Question Bank. The same questions can be integrated multiple times in different Quizzes and also in StudentQuizzes via the question collection. The H5P content types created within a course room, on the other hand, are stored in the H5P Content Bank.



For more information:

last changed on 12/17/2024

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