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Exam creation and electronic post-exam review via Exam Scan (pilot testing)

Exam creation and electronic post-exam review via Exam Scan (pilot testing)


The Moodle plugin “Exam Scan” enables examiners to process electronic post-exam reviews for paper pencil exams via RWTHmoodle. The plugin is integrated into the assignment activity. It allows the managers of a course room to individualize an exam template with QR codes and reproduce it for printing. Using the QR codes, the PDF file with the scanned exams is later split into individual files again and assigned to the appropriate students for post-exam review. Prior to provision, the managers can add a watermark to the post-exam review copies if required and set a password to prevent unauthorized disclosure to third parties.

Together with the exam copy, managers can also provide a form that students can use to submit requests for reconsideration in writing. Students upload these directly to the assignment used for the review within the time window provided.


Note: The English version of the manual currently only describes the student perspective. Instructions for managers will be translated at a later stage. Please refer meanwhile to the German version.


Student perspective

Before the post-exam review starts, the students have the following view of the course page. The course section and the two activities as well as the access restrictions are visible. However, the activities cannot be clicked.

Screenshot: Course page from a student's perspective before the start of the post-exam review.  The section and the two activities as well as the restrictions are visible. The activities are not clickable.


Once the start date of the post-exam review has been reached, the students can access the text page, and the condition for activity completion is displayed. For the assignment, start and end date for objections are displayed as well as the access restriction that the page activity must be marked complete before the assignment can be accessed.

Screenshot: Course page from a student's perspective before the start of the post-exam review. The section and the two activities as well as the restrictions are visible. The text page is a clickable link.


If the students call up the text page with the notes on copyright, the activity is automatically marked complete and the assignment is activated. If the students call up the assignment, they get the following view. The assignment description with the link to the form for objections appear in the upper area. At the bottom, in the “Feedback” section, the individual exam copy is available together with the password.

Screenshot: Assignment activity prepared for post-exam review from a student's perspective. The assignment description is placed in the upper area with the form for objections. Below in the "Feedback" section, the exam file is available together with the password.



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last changed on 07/16/2024

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