Authoring Tools
An authoring tool is software that has been specially developed for creating e-learning content. It enables the creation of interactive learning units, presentations or other learning materials, often with multimedia elements such as videos, quizzes and animations. This content can then be integrated into RWTHmoodle.
- H5P is an authoring tool that is directly integrated into RWTHmoodle and can be used to create a variety of different interactive content.
- Learning content created with an external authoring tool can also be uploaded to RWTHmoodle via the SCORM Package activity.
H5P is a tool for creating interactive learning materials. H5P offers a wide range of content types on the following topics, among others:
- Interactive videos, pictures, audio
- Quizzes and for practicing
- Presentation of learning content
- Digital edu breakouts
- Augmented reality
Interactive and playful teaching and learning materials motivate students to act directly and present them with decision-making situations. Through active engagement, the learning content presented is more strongly internalized and the learning process is thus positively promoted. H5P provides all RWTH lecturers with an authoring tool that can be used to create didactically meaningful and visually appealing interactive elements directly in RWTHmoodle. The range of available elements extends from simple cloze texts to interactive books or digital escape rooms. Instructions for configuring and using H5P content
- The training course H5P - Interaktive Lerninhalte in RWTHmoodle erstellen, teilen und wiederverwenden am Beispiel interaktiver Videos focuses on the H5P content type “Interactive Videos”. In this course you will learn, among other things, how you can easily enrich any video with interactive elements (quizzes, etc.) to promote learning and increase student engagement. This course is aimed in particular at people with no previous knowledge of H5P.
- The training Best Practice mit H5P – Einfache und komplexe interaktive Lerninhalte gestalten in RWTHmoodle focuses on advanced usage options and best practice examples for H5P. It provides an overview of the various interactive H5P elements and explains how they can be combined with each other. Particularly successful H5P examples from various disciplines at RWTH Aachen University will also be presented.
- Further information on the H5P training program and registration can be found in the Events Database.
- The “SCORM Package” activity enables teachers to integrate externally created SCORM packages (learning units) into RWTHmoodle.
- SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a reference model for reusable electronic learning content in order to provide web-based learning content on various platforms.
- Teachers can create a SCORM package on their PC using a SCORM-enabled authoring tool and then upload it to RWTHmoodle.
- In the official Moodle documentation you will find detailed information on how to configure and use the “SCORM Package” activity.
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