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Hide Gradebook

Hide Gradebook


If no graded activities are used in a course or if students should not have access to course grades, the Gradebook can be hidden.

The students will then no longer see the entry "Grades" on the left in the navigation bar of the course room. If they use the direct link, they will receive the message "Can not view grades".


To hide the Gradebook for students, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on "Edit settings" in the center menu guide to open the course settings.
    The screenshot shows the horizontal menu with the options "Course", "Settings", "Participants", "Grades", "Reports", and "More". The option "Settings" is highlighted.
  2. Open the section "Appearance" and set the option "Show gradebook to students" to "no".
    The screenshot shows the "Appearance" form. The options "Force language", "Number of announcemens", "Show gradebook to students", "Show activity report", and "Show activity dates" can be configured here. The dropdown menu for "Show gradebook to students" is activated, showing "No" and "Yes", having the second option selected.
  3. Save the new setting with "Save changes" at the bottom of the page. The students will then no longer see the entry "Grades" on the left in the navigation bar of the course room. If they use the direct link, they will receive the message "Can not view grades".
    This part of the screen shows the bottom of the "Edit course settings" form. It offers the "Save changes" button.


last changed on 08/17/2023

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