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Students ask questions and discuss

Students ask questions and discuss


RWTHmoodle offers various tools for exchange and discussion, including forums for (anonymous) discussions, shared PDF annotations and a web-based text editor that enables collaborative development of questions. These functions enable students to work on documents simultaneously and communicate openly with each other.

  • Forum: A tool for the exchange of information and discussions between students and lecturers
  • Anonymous forum: Promotes more open discussions as participants remain anonymous.
  • PDF Annotation: Enables collaborative commenting and annotation of PDF documents within RWTHmoodle.
  • Etherpad Lite: Collaborative word processing application that supports real-time editing and annotation. Several participants can work on a document at the same time, for example a meeting protocol.


1. What activities are there in Moodle that can be used for question & discussion?


1.1. Forum

  • The Forum activity can make a decisive contribution to successful communication and the formation of a learning community in an online learning environment.
  • A forum with the group modes “Separate groups” or “Visible groups” is ideal for joint discussion and interaction within the groups.
    • Separate groups - Each group only sees the forum posts of its own group. The forum posts of other groups are not visible.
    • Visible groups - Each group works for itself, but sees the forum posts of the other groups (i.e. read-only access without editing rights).
  • Instructions for configuring and using the Forum

1.2. Anonymous Forum


1.3. PDF Annotation

  • In the PDF Annotator, students can mark and comment on passages within a PDF document. Questions can thus be clarified directly on the document.
  • In order to reduce the hurdle for asking a question, it is also possible to comment anonymously.
  • Instructions for configuring and using the PDF Annotation

1.4. Etherpad Lite

  • Collaborative word processing application that supports real-time editing and commenting.
  • Multiple users can work on a document at the same time and see changes.
  • Ideal for questions during a lecture, brainstorming sessions or shared notes.
  • Instructions for configuring and using Etherpad Lite

2. Discussion activities in comparison


ForumAnonymous ForumPDF AnnotationEtherpad Lite
Studierende können Fragen stellen und kommentierencriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilled
Studierende können anonym bleibencriterion not fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion not fulfilled
Echtzeitbearbeitung und -kommentierungcriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion fulfilled
Fragen und Kommentare innerhalb eines PDF-Dokumentscriterion not fulfilledcriterion not fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion not fulfilled
Kollaborativer Einsatz möglichcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilledcriterion fulfilled


Fore more information:

last changed on 02/13/2025

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