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Practicing Terms

Practicing Terms


The contents of this page will be translated into English as soon as possible. Please use the German instructions page for the time being.

Activities for practising and repeating learning content with various customization and extension options.

  • Cardbox: Digital flashcards for practicing terms. Students can submit their own suggestions for terms to be practiced. Increasing time intervals between the repetition phases of the flashcards.
  • H5P Flashcards and H5P Dialog Cards: Digital flashcards for practicing terms. The flashcards can be supplemented with text, images and/or audio.


  1. Which activities are available in RWTHmoodle that can be used to practise terms?
  2. Term practice activities in comparison

1. Which activities are available in RWTHmoodle that can be used to practise terms?

1.1. Cardbox

  • The Cardbox activity can help students learn vocabulary, technical terms, formulas and definitions. Students create virtual flashcards with a question and an answer page. A keyword or vocabulary is written on the front and the answer on the back.
  • Both teachers and students can create new flashcards.
  • A flashcard can contain text, images and audio files.
  • There are two exercise modes to choose from (self-check and automatic check).
  • Instructions for configuring and using the flashcard box

1.2. H5P content types for practicing terms

  • H5P Dialog Cards
    • Flashcards that can be labeled on both sides
    • Support for text, voice recordings and pictures
    • Ideal for learning vocabulary, historical events and mathematical formulas
    • No text input possible
  • H5P Flashcards
    • Each card poses a question to which learners can enter a textual answer.
    • The solution is displayed immediately after the answer has been entered.
    • Allow the use of pictures to illustrate the questions or answers.

2. Term practice activities in comparison

A tabular comparison will be added soon.


Further reading

last changed on 09/25/2024

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