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Participating in Messaging

Participating in Messaging


In order for students to be found by other students in the messaging search, you must allow this in your profile via opt-in. By default, you can only be found by privileged persons. This means people who share a course room with the students and have the roles of manager or tutor in it.

Conversely, persons with the role of manager or tutor cannot be found by students in their course rooms in the messages by default. If they are to be contacted via the messages, they must also allow this via opt-in.

If group messages are activated for a group, the names of the group members are also displayed here without the opt-in. Writing messages also works here without further consent.


Giving consent to display your own name in search queries

By default, only so-called "privileged persons", i.e. persons with the role of manager or tutor, can search for the names of users of their own course rooms in the messaging system. In order for students to be able to display the names of other users of their course rooms via a search query in the messaging, regardless of their role, the persons concerned must agree to this via opt-in in their user profile. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Open your personal user profile by clicking on your name on the upper right side of the course room and then on "Profile".
    The screenshot shows the user profile menu. The options available are "Profile" (which is selected), "Grades", "Calendar", "Private files", "Preferences", "Language", and "Log out".

  2. Click on "Edit profile".
    The screenshot shows the "User details" section with the link "Edit profile", which is highlighted using an arrow.

  3. In the Messaging section, open the drop-down list and select the option "Findable by privileged persons and other participants".
    The screenshot shows the "Messaging" section. For the field "Who can find me through the messaging search?" the value "Findable by privileged persons and other course participants" is selected in the dropdown menu.

  4. Click on "Update profile".


If your own name can be found by fellow students in a search query is a necessary prerequisite for being able to send contact requests and/or messages to other course participants. If you do not enable findability, there is - apart from group chats - no possibility for students to contact each other.


For more information:

last changed on 09/07/2023

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