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Plug-ins in test phase and new features

Plug-ins in test phase and new features


RWTHmoodle offers the option to extend the functionalities provided by integrating plug-ins. As part of this, new plug-ins are regularly tested and evaluated for their usability and usefulness.

You can test all the plug-ins listed below in one or more courses. To do so, please contact the RWTHmoodle support at the IT-ServiceDesk.

Towards the end of the semester, we will ask all participants of the pilot phase about their experience in an evaluation in order to make improvements to the plug-ins as far as possible and to decide on their further use. The plug-ins will only be used permanently in RWTHmoodle if they function perfectly, prove useful and find a wider user base.

RWTHmoodle is also regularly improved and new features are added. We present some of the new features below.


1. Plug-ins for testing


2. New features

last changed on 04/18/2024

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