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Guide for new students

Guide for new students


This page describes how you can register as a student in order to be able to use the IT services of the RWTH necessary for your studies. 
The page also provides an overview of the important IT services that are available to you as a student.

Registration in the Identity Management

To register as a student, you need to reedem a ConnectMe coupon that you receive per e-mail after your successful enrollment. After your registration, you receive a username in the form ab123456 and a student status:

  • Persons who already have a username (e.g. employees or UKA members) should use their existing username to redeem the ConnectMe coupon.
  • Persons who have already been enrolled at RWTH Aachen University AND still have a username get assigned the status "Student (RWTH)" in the Identity Management and the right to use the IT services of the RWTH automatically. In this case, you do not have to need to redeem a ConnectMe coupon.

In both cases, it may take up to 48 hours until your student status has been trasferred to all systems and you are able to use all IT services.

You can use the credentials you have received during the registration process to log in on the pages with the "RWT Single Sign-On" login (e.g. IdM SelfserviceRWTHonline oder RWTHmoodle).


IdM Selfservice

In 24 to 48 hours, please log in to IdM Selfservice first and carry out the following actions:

You can also change your contact e-mail address in the IdM Selfservice.


Multifactor-Authentication (MFA)

RWTH Aachen University uses multifactor-authentication (MFA) to increase the security of the services such as RWTH Single Sign-On and VPN. MFA for theses services is obligatory.

When logging in to a service protected by MFA, you must enter a one-time security code after entering the access data:

  • The one-time security codes are generated using a token that you must set up in the Token Manager. We recommend that you set up at least one TAN list and one authenticator app.
  • Please make sure that you have successfully set up at least one token before logging out of the Token Manager.
    After the initial setup of a token, it is no longer possible to log in to the Token Manager without a one-time security code.

 If your tokens no longer work or are lost, you have to visit the IT Center at one of our locations to get e new one.


RWTH e-mail address

Students are assigned an e-mail address in the form This e-mail address is created when you redeem your ConnectMe coupon.
To check your e-mail address, go to  Accounts and Passwords in the IdM Selfservive and click on the pen by the account "RWTH-E-Mail".

  • Persons who were already enrolled at RWTH AND still have an active RWTH e-mail address will use this existing e-mail address.

  • People who were already enrolled at RWTH BUT no longer have an active RWTH e-mail address will see a notice in IdM Selfservice and can use the link provided to generate a new e-mail address.

You can access your mailbox via RWTH MailApp at

For more information about the RWTH e-mail address, see our documentation for the service "RWTH-E-Mail".



You can use RWTHonline to organize your studies and to access the documents that are relevant for your studies such as your enrollment certificate or your semester fee status.

To access your student profile, please use the log in for students und employees. You may need to choose the profile after login, e.g if you are an employee as well.

For course registration, please use the "Courses" tile on the RWTHonline landing page. You can then check the status of your course registration using by selecting "My Courses". You can omly access the course materials in RWTHmoodle if you have the status "Assigned confirmed place" in a course. Many courses consist of multiple types of events, such as lectures, tutorials and seminars. In this case, you need to register separately for each of these events.

Further information about RWTHonline (only visible from the RWTH network)



After you have been assigned a confirmed place for a course in RWTHonline, you will receive access to associated course rooms on RWTHmoodle by the following day at the latest. 

Course rooms are used to share learning content with students, and in-course registrations and tests can also be taken on the platform. 

Some courses do not have their own course room (e.g. tutorials if there is already a course room for the corresponding lecture). Please make sure, that you have registered for all of your courses in RWTHonline, if you are unable to find a course room, despite having a confirmed place for the course.

Further information about RWTHmoodle.


Additional infromation:

last changed on 01/15/2025

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