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Security Information

Security Information

When using Shibboleth, all authentication requests are processed via the domain

On this page you can find out how to verify the URL and the security certificate for the domain.

Verifying URL 

The URL of the RWTH Shibboleth authentication page (RWTH Single Sign-On) can be displayed in the following form in the address bar of the browser:

  • in Chrome: 
  • in Firefox:

Verifying the security certificate in Chrome

Step 1: Click on the “Website information” icon in the address bar of your browser.

Step  2: Click on Connection is secure.

Connection is secure

Step  3: Click on Certificate is valid.

Certificate is valid

You will now see information about the security certificate such as issuer, validity and fingerprints.

Certificate Viewer


Verifying the security certificate in Firefox

Step  1: Click on the "Lock" symbol.

Step  2: Click on Connection is secure.

Connection is secure

Step 3:  Click on More information.

More information

Step 4: Click on View certificate to check the certificate information.

Page info

You will now see information about the security certificate such as issuer, validity and fingerprints.

Certificate information

last changed on 01/07/2025

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