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Configuring multiple IdP or SP in shibboleth2.xml

Configuring multiple IdP or SP in shibboleth2.xml


Application Overrides are used to provide multiple applications on a system via Shibboleth registration.
These will be explained with an example of a test and productive environment.

On the one hand it should be guaranteed that the to be linked application on Shibboleth is supplied both, as test and as productiv application.
Furthermore, you should setup an own Vhost in Apache (or suchlike) for each application, under which the application can be reached.

Now the intersting part for us is following. The specific settings in the shibboleth2.xml.


<!-- To customize behavior, map hostnames and path components to applicationId and other settings. -->

        <RequestMapper type="Native">

            <RequestMap applicationId="default">


            The example requires a session for documents in /secure on the containing host with http and

            https on the default ports. Note that the name and port in the <Host> elements MUST match

            Apache's ServerName and Port directives or the IIS Site name in the <ISAPI> element



                <Host name="">


 <Path name="anwendungtest" authType="shibboleth"

requireSession="true" applicationId="anwendungtest" />


                <Host name="">


 <Path name="anwendungprod" authType="shibboleth"

requireSession="true" applicationId="anwendungprod" />






    The ApplicationDefaults element is where most of Shibboleth's SAML bits are defined.

    Resource requests are mapped by the RequestMapper to an applicationId that

    points into to this section.


        <ApplicationDefaults id="default" policyId="default"


        REMOTE_USER="eppn persistent-id targeted-id"

        signing="false" encryption="false">




        <ApplicationOverride id="anwendungtest" entityID="" homeURL="">

         <Sessions lifetime="28800" timeout="3600" checkAddress="false" consistentAddress="false"

            handlerURL="/anendungtest/Shibboleth.sso" handlerSSL="true"

            exportLocation="http://localhost/Shibboleth.sso/GetAssertion" exportACL=""

            idpHistory="false" idpHistoryDays="7" cookieProps="https" redirectLimit="exact">


          <!-- SSO verfügbar ab Shibboleth Service Provider (shibd)

Version 2.4, ansonsten hier weiterhin  <SessionInitiator> 
verwenden --> 
            <SSO entityID="">


         <MetadataProvider type="XML" uri=""
            backingFilePath="sso-test.rwth.metadata.xml" reloadInterval="7200">
            <MetadataFilter type="Signature" certificate="/Pfad/zum/sso.pem"/>

      <!-- produktiv ist jetzt eigentlich nicht nötig, da als Default
 definiert. Aber hier nochmal um den Unterschied darzustellen: -->
        <ApplicationOverride id="anwendungprod" entityID="" homeURL="">
         <Sessions lifetime="28800" timeout="3600" checkAddress="false" consistentAddress="false"
            handlerURL="/anendungprod/Shibboleth.sso" handlerSSL="true"
            exportLocation="http://localhost/Shibboleth.sso/GetAssertion" exportACL=""
            idpHistory="false" idpHistoryDays="7" cookieProps="https">

            <SSO entityID="">


         <MetadataProvider type="XML" uri=""
            backingFilePath="sso.rwth.metadata.xml" reloadInterval="7200">
            <MetadataFilter type="Signature" certificate="/Pfad/zum/sso.pem"/>



In addition you can find the official documentation here:

last changed on 05/15/2024

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