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Coupon for Scholarship holders

Coupon for Scholarship holders


Scholarship holders are all persons who are pursuing temporary scientific or artistic activities for training and further education at RWTH Aachen University and whose stay is usually financed by third parties (scholarship).

In order to obtain the status of "scholarship holder", registration in Identity Management is required.

Registration is initiated by the scholarship holder administration (holder of the role "Verwaltung Stipendiaten" ) of an institution.


Holders of Role "Verwaltung Stipendiaten"

Only scientific and non-scientific staff of RWTH Aachen University employed by the Department 8 (Human Resources) can be role holders. Furthermore, the role “Verwaltung Stipendiaten” must be issued by the university and afterwards activated by the receiving person.

By registering a scholarship holder, the role holder confirms the requirement of the extended permissions for the scholarship holder’s task. All entries must be made with reasonable care.


The role holder of an institute obtains the consent of the scholarship holder and fills in the registration form for scholarship holders. Both documents are then electronically sent to the department 8.1 – Academic Employees and Assistants for verification purposes.

  • Responsible for contents is the Dept. 8.1.
  • Technically responsible is the Dept. 5.4. (

Scholarship Holders

The department will then initiate the generation of a coupon code which is sent to the staff manager via e-mail. The role holder will then hand out the code to the scholarship holder.

The Scholarship holder can register for the Identity Management with the Coupon. It is also possible to link the coupon with the scholarship holder's username (format: ab123456). After the successful registration and the collection of their personal data (if not yet stored in the Identity Management) the scholarship holder receives a status which allows them to use the following services of RWTH Aachen University currently provided:

  • RWTH-E-Mail service
  • VPN
  • WLAN usage
  • WLAN-Guest-ID
  • UMS
  • Telephone Conferences
  • Free Quota Exchange (get in touch with the IT-ServiceDesk)
  • Access to publishers in the university library
  • Online publishers in the university library
  • Tivoli Storage Manager – Archive
  • High Performance Computing of RWTH Aachen University
  • Access to PC-Pools in several locations
  • Access to the RWTH intranet
  • RWTH parking permit
  • sciebo Cloud service of NRW universities

The status “Stipendiat” (scholarship holder) is limited to the duration of the stay at RWTH Aachen University. Any changes to the originally planned duration of the stay can be adjusted in the registration form by the role holder at any time.

Upon expiry of the stay all rights as scholarship holder are canceled and the scholarship holder, including all their accounts, will be deleted for reasons of data protection. If the scholarship holder has accounts that can be used beyond the duration of the scholarship, the accounts and the necessary personal data are stored in the IdM.

last changed on 07/04/2024

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