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Coupon for Students

Coupon for Students


As a student of the RWTH Aachen University, you are to register in the Identity Management or you can link your status "student" with your existing registration if you have registered in the Identity Management at an earlier point of time.

To complete your registration or to add a student status to you existing registration, you ned to redeem a coupon code. You receive the coupon code via email after you have enrolled as a student and paid the semeter fee. If you have not received the coupon code, please contact the IT-ServiceDesk.

It may take up to two days until all your accounts are set up and your personal data has been synchronised with the databank of the Registrar's Office. After the registration is completed, you receive the status "Student RWTH".

For more details about the process look here: Guide for new students


    Please follow this manual or watch our video tutorial on the registration in the Identity Management to redeem you coupon code.

    Entering the coupon

    Please enter the coupon on the following page:

    redeem code

    Now you can choose between two options: Log in with your username (option 1) or register (option 2).

    login choice

    Please Note: Since July 2, 2024, the use of multifactor-authentication (MFA) is mandatory for the RWTH Single Sign-On (SSO). Users must generate a second factor via the Token Manager in the Selfservice to access services protected by SSO.

    Please first set up a token for multifactor authentication before proceeding with the following steps. We recommend that users set up at least two different tokens. Instructions for the process can be found here.
    Once you have gone through the process and set up tokens for the multi-factor authentication of your account, please proceed to the next step. If you have already closed the window or the browser session has ended due to timeout, start again with the coupon entry.


    Option 1: Login with your username

    Please enter your username (format: 123456) and password.

    Please note:
    You already have a username, if you were a student or employee at RWTH Aachen University before. You also might have registered being participant of language courses, pre-courses or by an RWTHmoodle invitation.
    If you are not certain whether you already have a username, please contact the IT-ServiceDesk or use the PasswordReset. Here you can have your username sent to your contact e-mail address.

    sso mask

    As soon as you have logged in with your RWTH Single Sign-On data, you will be asked for a security code for multifactor authentication.

    If you have followed the steps in these instructions, you should already have set up one or more tokens. If you have set up several tokens, you can now select the desired token. If you have only set up one token, this should be selected by default. Now click on “Next”.

    Attention: If you have not yet set up a token, please do NOT click on next. Instead, please click on the link to the self-service and create a token first. If you have already clicked on Continue and receive an error message, please create a token first and then start the coupon process again.

    Now please enter a security code in the field provided and click on next if you are not automatically redirected.


    Confirming the Username

    Please confirm your username shown in bold (in this example pp123456)..

    verification code

    Option 2: Registration

    As a user of the services of RWTH Aachen University you are obligated to obey the rules of the network code of conduct. Please agree to the network code of conduct and enter an e-mail address.

    contact email

    This e-mail address will be used as contact e-mail address from now on. You can change your contact e-mail address in the Selfservice at any time.


    Entering Verification Code

    Enter a verification code that has been sent to your new registered contact e-mail address.

    Verification Code

    Choosing the RWTH-e-mail-address

    If you do not have an RWTH e-mail address, you can choose it in the next step. If you have multiple names you can select a combination of your liking.

    If you already have an RWTH e-mail address, this step is omitted.

    Choose an email address

    With choosing "Include this RWTH-E-Mail-Address in the global address book" every RWTH student and employee (with mail-address in this domain) can see you in the domain address list.

    You can valdiate your choosing and change you mail-addres by hitting "back".

    Confirm email address

    Registration completion & your credentials

    You have registered successfully in the IdentityManagement and the student status will soon be connected to your data.

    Note down your username and password carefully as they are shown only once! Please treat your access data confidentially and do not pass them to the third party.

    Procedure End C


    Your Accounts

    The passage "Your Accounts" lists all accounts that will be setup for you. After completion you will be informed via mail to your contact e-mail address and are able to set passwords for these accounts. This can take up to two days.

    Close the process by clicking "finish".

    Procedure End A2

    last changed on 07/26/2024

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