You are located in service: Identity Management




General Information on the Selfservice

The Selfservice enabIes users to access and partly change their data of the Identity Management.

Use your username (format: ab123456) and the corresponding password for your RWTH Single Sign-On account.

The login should look like this:



The tab "RWTH Data" also enables you to review your membership of RWTH Aachen University stored in the IdM. This looks as follows:

RWTH Daten im Selfservice

RWTH employee number: a uniquie personal number in the personnel management of the Central University Administration.

RWTH-ID: a unique identifier for the RWTH.

Username: a unique identifier for a person in the format ab123456 (previously TIM-ID).

RWTHcontacts entry: a link to your entry in RWTHcontacts provided that your entry in RWTH Person Directory and your entry in the Identity Management have been linked.

  • If you are an employee and cannot see the symbol, your entry have not been linked yet. Please be sure to set up the linkage. A manual can be found here.

IKZs: reference number(s) of your institution(s) that you are assigned to in the personnel management.

last changed on 07/04/2023

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