You are located in service: Identity Management

New credentials by mail and in-house mail

New credentials by mail and in-house mail


Login data by mail

If you cannot come yourself or send another party we can also send you your login data over mail.

Please send us a letter, which clearly states your will, a copy of your ID (names, date of birth and ID validity must be visible; please black out irrelevant data) and a prepaid envelope with your adress, which we use to send you the data, to the following adress:

IT Center
RWTH Aachen University
Seffenter Weg 23
52074 Aachen

After receiving your password you can log into Selfservice ( to change passwords for other services (e.g. RWTH-E-Mail).


Login data by in-house mail

This option is only for RWTH employees!

On personal request (by phone or e-mail) of RWTH employees, the IT-ServiceDesk sends the new password by internal mail to the business address registered in Campus.

With this password you should now log on the Selfservice and change the passwords of the other services.

last changed on 04/28/2023

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