- Federated Identity is a project of Digital University NRW (DH.NRW) and is funded by the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft (MKW).
The project aims to implement federated identity management (FIDM), i.e. a network of the local IDM systems of the institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia. This should enable cross-university services to use a single digital identity so that university members can access these services as easily as possible via their own home account.
For this purpose, an NRW sub-federation was founded within the DFN-AAI in order to significantly simplify the exchange of technical information between service providers and identity providers using NRW standards. Identity providers generally offer the defined standard attributes to the service providers. If rights management is necessary, the identity providers provide roles in the defined format. In return, service providers offer the users of the service-using universities the opportunity to access their service directly with these NRW standards.
This makes services accessible and usable for all institutions.
Further information on the project and the defined standards can be found in the project wiki.