You are located in service:Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365
Please note:
If you would like to continue using Microsoft products in a work purposes, please use your account on the tenant for employees (log in with something@m365.rwth-aachen.de).
You can find more information and instructions here: Deactivation of the Microsoft accounts in the RWTH-Tenant
Microsoft 365 is a set of subscription services (including Microsoft Office) offered by Microsoft.
These are offered to RWTH students and employees, each with different scope and licenses.
Who is allowed to use Microsoft 365?
RWTH employees (including FB10 Member and Scholarship Holders) can use M365 exclusively for business purposes on their work devices. There can be local installations of M365 on up to 15 work devices (5 PCs/laptops/ 5 tablets/ 5 smartphones) per person.
RWTH Students can use a variety of Microsoft products and services for the purposes of their studies under the Microsoft 365 Education A3 Student Use Benefit License as desktop or web applications.
Persons who are both employees and students at RWTH Aachen University must use the different clients separately.
For official purposes, using anything other than the login via the M365 employee tenant is not permitted.
How to access Microsoft 365?
The M365 service is offered separately for the respective groups (students, employees) in different clients (tenants), which entails different registration and login procedures:
- Registration and login for students
- Login for employees