You are located in service: RWTH-E-Mail

AppleMail Exchange (13.X)

AppleMail Exchange (13.X)


This manual describes how to integrate a RWTH e-mail address into AppleMail. AppleMail version 13.4 was used.


1. start AppleMail and add a new account (via "Mail" ⇒ "Accounts", if the wizard does not start automatically)

(if necessary "Microsoft Exchange" is offered instead of just "Exchange" --> then select this)

2. enter e-mail address and name

3. login to the Exchange account (Manuell konfigurieren)

4. enter the password for the RWTH-E-Mail-Account

5. enter user name and server settings

E-Mail-AddressYou e-mail address (*)
UsernameYour RWTH-E-Mail Account (*)
PasswordYour RWTH-E-Mail Account password
External URL

*For institute e-mail addresses please use your own domain (e.g.:

6. choose what you want your account to synchronize

Click on "Done" to complete the setup.

last changed on 07/10/2024

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