You are located in service: RWTH-E-Mail

Entry in the Outlook/OWA address book

Entry in the Outlook/OWA address book


With this option in the self-service you can decide whether your name and e-mail address should be published in the address book of your mail server. These can be visible within the central Exchange mail server of RWTH Aachen University, if necessary across all institutions.

The entries in the address book are used, for example, to search for and book participants in the address book when arranging appointments. Important: They cannot be added to distribution lists in your domain if you do not set this option.

You can find the option in the Selfservice by clicking on the editing symbol for the RWTH-E-Mail Account

Editing RWTH Service account

There you can set the option for the global address list.

Visibility in the address book

Once you have entered your data, press Save to complete the process. Whether the changeover was successful or unsuccessful will be announced to you in the bottom right-hand corner.


last changed on 03/24/2023

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