You are located in service: RWTH-E-Mail

Thunderbird (IMAP)

Thunderbird (IMAP)


This article describes how you can set up Thunderbird as an e-mail client for RWTH e-mail.

These instructions have been created with Thunderbird version 91.2.0.

  1. Set up a new account
  2. Subscribe to folders


Please Note:

If you want to change an existing account, please select the existing account and click on Edit account settings.

1.  Set up a new account

Step 1
Firs go to the Home tab, then click on themenu item at the top right, and then click + New.

Step 2
Under the tab Existing e-mail account... you can start the setup.

Step 3
Enter your name and e-mail address and click on Configure manually.

Step 3
Fill in the following settings:

ATTENTION: If it is an institute e-mail address, the username and e-mail address will of course change according to your domain (e.g.: /

IMAP (Posteingangsserver)  
1PasswordYour RWTH E-Mail Account  password in the Selfservice
4SSL (Encryption)SSL/TLS
5AuthentificationPassword, normal (the username for the RWTH-E-Mail Account in the Selfservice)
SMTP (Postausgangserver)
9SSL (Encryption)STARTTLS
10AuthentificationPassword, normal (the username for the RWTH-E-Mail Account in the Selfservice)


2. Subscribe to folders

You must subscribe to your folders for them to be synchronized and displayed in Thunderbird:

  • Right-click on the name of your account and select Subscribe....

Opening the Subscribe menu

  • Place a tick next to all the folders which you want to subscribe to.
  • Click on Subscribe on the right side of the menu.
  • Click on OK.

Selecting folders to subscribe to


Additional Information

last changed on 01/03/2025

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