FAQ - Spam, phishing and other suspicious e-mails

FAQ - Spam, phishing and other suspicious e-mails

Why does the subject line of my e-mails start with "***** VIRUS REMOVED / ENTFERNT *****"?
Why does the subject line of my e-mails start with "*****SPAM*****"?
Report Phishing and Spammails
False-positive recognition of SPAM e-mails
What is spam?
What are hoaxes?
How did the spammers get my e-mail address?
Why do I revice spam from the IT Center?
How can spam be sent in my name or that of a legitimate e-mail address?
I have received spam and my own, or another, real RWTH e-mail address is displayed as the sender, how is this possible?
What can I do if important emails end up in the Spam folder?