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Thunderbird with TbSync

Thunderbird with TbSync


Please note:

The add-ons described in this manual are not officially a part of Microsoft offer in connection with Microsoft Exchange. There is no guarantee of lasting functionality and security. The use of these add-ons remains therefore under your own responsibility.

  • This guide was created using Thunderbird 102.6.1.

  • Generally, the use the latest versions is strongly advised.

  • In the version Thunderbird 38 and higher, the Lightning plugin is integrated into the software and does not have to be installed separately.

  • A possible alternative in case of problems with other versions is the ExQuilla AddOn.

  • Or the followup product OWL. However, these are subject to a charge

The integration of shared Exchange calendars is not possible yet! The developer of the addon is still working on the implementation of this service. 

TbSync installation

1. Click on the option bar (1) on the top right of the page in Thunderbird and choose the option Add-ons (2).

Open Add-ons and Themes

2. Enter "TbSync" into the search field and confirm with "Enter".

Search for TbSync

3. In a new window, the TbSync is the first one shown on the list of add-ons. Click on "Add to Thunderbird" to install it. Do the same for Provider for Exchange ActiveSync.

Add TbSync and Exchange ActiveSync to Thunderbird

Add TbSyncAdd Exchange ActiveSync

If there are any updates for TbSync available, it will be automatically updated, when the following settings are made:

Set Exchange ActiveSync to update automatically

Adding an Exchange calendar

After TbSync installation and update, Exchange calendars can be added.

1. To open the settings, click on the add-on status message.

Select the TbSync status icon

2. In a new window, choose Account actions and add a new Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) account.

Set up a new Exchange ActiveSync account

3. Enter the following account details:

  • (1) The Server configuration is to be set as Custom configuration.
  • (2) Account details
    • Account name (display name of the new calendar)
    • User name (user name for the OWA. E.g. ab123456@institute.
    • Password (the password for the OWAYou can change it in the Selfservice
    • Server address:

Configure the new account

4. At last, enable the account synchronization (1) and enter any desired value as synchronisation interval (3).

Additionally, choose the ressources that have to be synchronised (2).

Choosing calender for synchronisation in Thunderbird

Please note:

  • By default, the best available version is chosen as ActiveSync version. If the Sync does not work, choose one of the two available versions.
  • Please note that the secure connection via https is ticked under General options.

How to change the ActiveSync version (if required)

5. After you have added and synchronised your new calendar, you can see your events and task by clicking on the button on the top left of the page.

Navigate to the Calendar

Navigate to Tasks

last changed on 06/07/2024

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