You are located in service: Cisco phone system

General information

General information


Below you will find a description of the functions available to you in the Webex user interface:




Here you will find an overview of the scheduled meetings and have the option of starting a Webex meeting (1). You can also start a Personal Room meeting (2). The subtitling function is available for barrier-free meetings. 

Start a Webex meeting:

Start a Personal Room meeting:

If you want to schedule meetings with the highest possible security, you can create a private meeting. This type of meeting is restricted to people who are registered at RWTH and are also connected either to the RWTH data network or via VPN.

To do this, click on Meetings (1) and then on Schedule a meeting (2).

In the next window, click on Advanced options and select the meeting type Webex Meetings Private Meeting.

Set a meeting: 

Join a meeting: 



Explanatory videos:

last changed on 12/17/2024

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