You are located in service: Cisco phone system

Cisco Phones

Cisco Phones


Here you will find an overview of instructions and prices for Cisco phones. 


Cisco 8865

Intended Use: Office, Workplace, Workshop

Instructions: Quick guideFull instructions

Technical documentation: Documentation

circa price: 200€


Cisco 7821

Intended Use: Hallway, technical room

Instructions: Quick guideFull instructions

Technical documentation: Documentation

cica price: 200€


Cisco 8832

Intended Use: Conference room

Instructions: Quick guideFull instructions

Technical documentation: Documentation

circa price: 500€


Cisco 8821

Intended Use: Wifi, mobile application, DECT replacement

Instructions: Quick guideFull instructions

technical Documentation: Documentation

circa price: 300€


Replacement battery

Replacement batteries can be requested via the TK portal. 

circa price: 60€


last changed on 05/23/2024

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