You are located in service: Identity Management

Changing Personal Information

Changing Personal Information



Be aware

After redeeming the ConnectMe coupon for the initial activation, the fields in the personal data are initially displayed as "unbekannt/unknown". In this case, you do not need to do anything further. The data will be automatically synchronized and corrected within 48 hours.

The Selfservice enabIes users to access and partly change their data of the Identity Management.

Please watch our Selfservice tutorial to get a complete overview of the functions of the application.

To log in to the self-service, please use your user name (format: ab123456) and the corresponding password of the RWTH Single Sign-On Account:

This picture shows the RWTH Single Sign-On Login


After login you will see the page with your personal information.

Personal information

Depending on the group you belong to, you can edit certain information yourself.


Employees (RWTH):

Employees can make the following changes in the Selfservice:

  •     Change the contact e-mail address
  •     Change of address
  •     Change of private telephone number

The name, title, gender, date of birth and place of birth can only be changed by the HR department in charge:



Students can make the following changes in the Selfservice:

  • Change of contact e-mail address
  • Change of the preferred name

Students can only change their address and phone number in RWTHonline. Detailed instructions on how to change your data in RWTHonline can be found in the RWTHonline documentation portal(only accessible from the RWTH network).

Change of name, gender, date of birth and place of birth must be reported to the Registrar's Office.


Persons that are employees (RWTH) and students:

The following changes can be made as by students:

  • Change the contact e-mail address
  • Change of address
  • Change of private telephone number
  • Change of the preferred name

Name, title, gender, date of birth and place of birth changes have to be reported to the HR department and the Registar's Office.


External faculty including retired RWTH Aachen University professors:

This group can make the following changes in the Selfservice:

  • Change of contact e-mail address
  • Change of the preferred name

Department 1.5 - Central Modeling and Exam Management must be notified of any change in name, address, telephone number, gender, date of birth, and place of birth.


Other groups of persons:

These groups can make the following changes in the Selfservice:

  • Change of the title and degree
  • Change of the name
  • Change of contact e-mail address
  • Change of address
  • Change of private telephone number
  • Change of the call name

To change your gender, date of birth or place of birth please contact the IT-ServiceDesk.

last changed on 01/09/2025

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