General Information on the Selfservice
The Selfservice enabIes users to access and partly change their data of the Identity Management.
Use your username (format: ab123456) and the corresponding password for your RWTH Single Sign-On account.The login should look like this:
You can use the “RWTH data” tab to determine which affiliation to RWTH Aachen University is stored in Identity Management.
Which data is displayed depends on your status, which in turn depends on your (working) relationship with RWTH Aachen University.
Persons with the status “Employee RWTH” and “Student RWTH” are shown the following data:
Matriculation number: unique personal number assigned by the Central University Administration when you start your studies. (Only available for persons with “Student RWTH” status)
RWTH employee number: a uniquie personal number in the personnel management of the Central University Administration.
RWTH-ID: a unique identifier for the RWTH.
Username: a unique identifier for a person in the format ab123456 (previously TIM-ID).
PVZID: unique personal number that is assigned when certain coupons are redeemed. (For example, available for persons with the status “Employee RWTH” or the role "Angehörige Organisationseinheit" (Member of organizational unit) in RWTH Idenetity Management)
RWTHcontacts entry: a link to your entry in RWTHcontacts provided that your entry in RWTH Person Directory and your entry in the Identity Management have been linked.
- If you are an employee and cannot see the symbol, your entry have not been linked yet. Please be sure to set up the linkage. A manual can be found here.
IKZs: reference number(s) of your institution(s) that you are assigned to in the personnel management.