New Credentials by Mail and In-house Mail
This page describes how you can request your RWTH Single Sig-On credentials by mail:
If you or a third party cannot come to the IT-ServiceDesk in person, you can send us a request by mail. Please enclose the following documents with your letter:
- a written request asking for the new credentials to be sent to you, dated and signed by hand;
- a copy of your identity card, passport or residence visa;
- a sufficiently stamped and suitably addressed return envelope.
Please send your request to the following address:
IT Center
RWTH Aachen University
Seffenter Weg 23
52074 Aachen
You will receive your credentials by mail and can now log in to the IdM Selfservice and change the passwords for the other services.
This option only applies to RWTH employees!
For employees, the IT-ServiceDesk will send the new password upon personal request (via telephone or e-mail) by in-house mail to the business address provided in RWTHcontacts.
Please use this password to log in to the IdM Selfservice and change the passwords for the other services.