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RWTH Single Sign-On beyond the RWTH

RWTH Single Sign-On beyond the RWTH


There are various federations that can be used via the RWTH Single Sign-On and allow users to access various services worldwide.



The German National Research and Education Network (DFN) operates an authentication and authorization infrastructure (AAI) um Nutzenden aus Wissenschaft, Bildung und Forschung Zugang zu geschützten Ressourcen zu ermöglichen. Hierzu gehören Fachpublikationen, Forschungsdaten, E-Learning-Plattformen sowie zahlreiche weitere Dienste, die sich an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen richten. Nutzende, die aufo provide users from science, education and research with access to protected resources. These include specialist publications, research data, e-learning platforms and numerous other services aimed at universities and research institutions. Users who want to access protected resources authenticate themselves at their home institution and gain access to the respective resources. The German universities participate in this infrastructure with their identity providers. Members of RWTH Aachen University each have an account with the RWTH identity provider (Single Sign-On), which they can then use.


The eduGAIN interfederation service connects identity federations around the world and facilitates access to content, services and resources for the global research and education community. eduGAIN comprises over 80 participating federations connecting more than 8,000 identity and service providers.



Tools to explore the federations:

last changed on 12/12/2024

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