You are located in service: Software for the RWTH Aachen University

Ordering process for persons with the role "Bestellung IT"

Ordering process for persons with the role "Bestellung IT"


  • Only owners of the "IT Orders" role can order products in the Software Shop for their institution(s).
  • Each organizational unit is responsible for regulating the use of the Software Shop by assigning the role to one or more employees via the Role Management.
  • The role and OrgID are automatically transmitted to the Software Shop via the SSO login and do not need to be entered separately.


Ordering new software:

1. Product selection

  • Click on Products on the top left.
  • A list of all available products will be displayed.
  • Select the desired product by clicking on the product name or image.
  • Add the product to your cart by clicking on Add to cart.


2. Order process

  • Click on Cart in the top right.
  • You will see a summary of your order.
  • Click on Order to continue the order process.


3. Confirmation of contract terms

4.Billing adress

  • Enter your contact information.

5. Payment

  • Select the desired payment method.

  • Read and accept the terms of use and the right of withdrawal and accept them by ticking the boxes.
  • Then click on "Purchase"

  • for cost-based products, enter your PSP element now

  • Click on Confirm order.


6. Order confirmation

  • You will receive an order confirmation by email and one will be sent to the  
    • Here you can download the software via the link

  • An invoice with details of the order will also be sent to the secretariat




last changed on 04/29/2024

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