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What is Tecplot?

What is Tecplot?


Tecplot is the standard tool for professional post-processing, able to handle large amounts of data and very large data sets, which typically arise in simulations from the CFD as well as FEA area, or from measurements, such as those from wind tunnels or PIV. Typical fields of work are fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, geosciences or acoustics.

Important software features are:

  • Import of all common data formats (Fluent, CGNS, OpenFOAM, Excel, Abaqus, ...)
  • Export (images, videos) in the highest quality (publications)
  • Easy comparison of data from any source (simulation with experiment, Simulation Solver 1 with Simulation Solver 2, ...)
  • Fast generation of plots through interactivity
  • Available with same GUI on Windows, Linux and Mac OS
  • Creat reports using multi-page layout
  • Plots in all graphical modes: 3D, 2D, 1D (lines, bars, ...), polar, sketches
  • Many types of animation with easy creation of videos in different formats
  • Addition of graphical elements to plots (arrows, boxes, circles, texts, ...)
  • Isosurfaces, intersections, streamlines, vectors, particles
  • CFD analysis: streaklines, pathlines, integrals, vortex cores, mesh quality
  • Full automation possible with Python or macros
  • Extraction of data parts using various tools and filters, export of subsets


Further information can be found at Tecplot.

last changed on 05/06/2024

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