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MSC Use and Support

MSC Use and Support


It is only allowed to use the msc licenses for the purpose of research and education at a department of the RWTH University.

Please note that anonymized user data is reported on to MSC when using the software (example of reported user data).

It is prohibited to use msc licenses for:

  • Industrial, occupational and profit-oriented usage
  • bachelor's, master's or/and other thesis
  • Working for third parties

Using MSC for final theses

If you would like to use MSC for final theses, you need to conclude a diploma agreement with MSC. To do so, please inform MSC Software about the title, results and planned publications of your thesis. In this case, the diploma OS (Order Schedule) conditions are applied additionally to the MSLA.

You can contact our MSC Software contact directly if needed. The contact is listed in the ITC_Readme_txt on our download server that you can reach using the link from the order confirmation.


Users are provided with full application support by the manufacturer via the IT Center. For further information, contact the IT-ServiceDesk.

last changed on 05/10/2024

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