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Short information

LS-DYNA is an explicit finite element analysis program package that can be used for nonlinear, dynamic, three-dimensional mechanical structures. The implemented material models range from ferrous materials, with e.g. anisotropic plasticity, to a variety of plastic/foam models to fiber composites or even hydrodynamic models. User-defined material models can also be used.

For pre- and post-processing, an existing pre- or post-processor or any other meshing program (HyperMesh,I-DEAS) can be used. LS-DYNA offers LS-INGRID (3d preprocessor), LS-TAURUS and LS-POST (3d postprocessors) for this purpose.

This is LS-DYNA from the manufacturer LSTC. Please do not confuse it with the LS-DYNA licenses from Ansys. The two variants are largely identical. However, there are a few differences. For example, our version cannot be started from the Ansys Workbench.
Users receive unlimited user support from the manufacturer. You can find the necessary information at the IT Service Desk.

last changed on 05/06/2024

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