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IntelMKL (imkl)

IntelMKL (imkl)


Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) is a computing math library of highly optimized, extensively threaded routines for applications that require maximum performance. The library provides Fortran and C programming language interfaces. oneMKL C language interfaces can be called from applications written in either C or C++, as well as in any other language that can reference a C interface.

Developer Guide for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for Linux*


General information

It contains a couple of OpenMP-parallelized routines. The number of threads used is set by the environment variable $OMP_NUM_THREADS or $MKL_NUM_THREADS.

There are two possible ways of calling MKL routines from C/C++:

  • Using BLAS: You can use the Fortran-style routines directly. Please follow the Fortran-style calling conventions (call-by-reference, column-major data order).
  • Using CBLAS: Using the BLAS routines with the C-style interface is the preferred way because you do not need to know the exact differences between C and Fortran and the compiler is able to report errors before runtime.

Please refer to chapter Language-specic Usage Options in the Developer Guide for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for Linux

How to access the software

Depending on the version, you might have to load additional modules until you can load IntelMKL (imkl):

module load iccifort/2019.5.281
module load impi/2021.6.0
module load imkl/2019.5.281

Available IntelMKL (imkl) versions can be listed with module spider imkl. Specifying a version will list the needed modules: module spider imkl/2019.5.281

This will also let you know if you can use a different compiler and MPI with that version.

Alternatively you can load imkl indirectly by loading a compiler toolchain, which would include a compiler. For instance to load imkl with GCC and Open MPI you could use the gomkl compiler toolchain:

module load gomkl/2021a


last changed on 07/23/2024

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