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Access for externals

Access for externals


RWTH, Students and Employees members have a simple access procedure. 


Members of Research Centre Jülich (FZJ) can use the Identity Provider of FZJ, see Coupon Procedure to receive their User-Id and then provide their personal HPC account by using the SelfService at

Please note that the account life time is not necessarily coupled with a project time. You might need to renew the account with the same coupon procedure even while a project is active. Please contact with the subject line "RWTH Couponverfahren" if required, then the coupon will be issued by the Forschungszentrum Jülich and can be redeemed here.You will receive an email before your account expires. Find more information about the Coupon Procedure here.


External scientists

External scientists from any German University or Research Institution can get access only in the context of a computing project that has to be approved by technical and scientific reviewers.

Principal Investigators (PI) or persons of contact (PC) can invite externals to existing projects.

External scientists must write an application, (identified by an automatically generated application-id), and once reviewers have approved this application, a project-id is assigned and a HPC project account is generated. Externals will then receive their username (e.g., ab123456) and their HPC user account as part of a related coupon process.

Please note that Foreign members can be added by PIs or PCs as long as the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) has no objection. 

Please consider the following instructions depending on your affiliation and role:

After receiving the account credentials, you can connect to the cluster.


Getting access as RWTH / FZJ external PI or PC (e.g., NHR projects):

  1. Apply for computing time (approval will take some time due to scientific reviewing process). You will receive an email with a coupon after the approval by the Resource Allocation Board (RAB).
  2. Please accept the terms of use and redeem your coupon:
  3. If the entry field for the coupon is empty, please enter your verification code. The verification code will become invalid after completing this process! If you change your email you might have to redeem an second coupon!
  4. Wait at least 30 minutes to get your RWTH IDM Account (not the HPC Account) deployed / upgraded for the current project.
  5. If you do not have an HPC account already, you can create one with your new RWTH account (e.g., ab123456) in our selfservice 
  6. If you need to add further project members (PM) without an active HPC account, please contact with the project id, a list of names and emails of the further PMs. The project members will receive his/her own coupon now in order to create an account in our selfservices (see steps (i.) and (ii.) below).
  7. After the PMs have created an HPC account, add the project members to your computing time project in the HPC system.
  8. Further actions that the manager (PI / PC) of an HPC project has to take are described in here

Further information can be found here.


Getting access as RWTH / FZJ external project member (PM) (e.g., NHR projects):

(i). Wait for your coupon to be triggered by the PI / PC in step (5b.) (see above).

(ii). Follow the steps (2.) to (5a.) (see above).


Adding external project members (PM) as RWTH internal PI / PC:

A PI/PC who is a RWTH employee can use the RWTH IdM partner mechanism to register additional external project members. The PI / PC acts as a sponsor for the external partner and is responsible for this partner. The PI / PC generates a coupon code which the external project member (PM) can use to get a RWTH User-Id (see below). After the PMs have created an HPC account, add the project members to your computing time project in the HPC system.


last changed on 06/25/2024

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