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Ansys Suite (ansys, cfx, fluent, icem)

Ansys Suite (ansys, cfx, fluent, icem)


Ansys offers a comprehensive software suite that spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a design process requires. Organizations around the world trust Ansys to deliver the best value for their engineering simulation software investment.


Table of Contents

  1. Ansys
    1. How to Access the Software
    2. Example Batch Script
    3. Licensing
      1. Changing License Preferences in Ansys
    4. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. CFX
    1. How to Access the Software
    2. Example Batch Scripts
    3. Additional Information
  3. Fluent
    1. How to Access the Software
    2. Example Batch Scripts
    3. Interactive usage
  4. ICEM
    1. How to Access the Software
    2. Example Batch Script
  5. Known limitations
    1. MPI vendors



How to Access the Software

Load the ANSYS module

module load ANSYS
# or load specific version
module load ANSYS/2021R2

Example Batch Script


### Job name
#SBATCH --job-name=ANSYS_JOB

### File / path where STDOUT will be written, the %J is the job id
#SBATCH --output=ansys-job-log.%J

### Request the time you need for execution. The full format is D-HH:MM:SS
### You must at least specify minutes or days and hours and may add or
### leave out any other parameters
#SBATCH --time=80

### Request number of CPUs
#SBATCH --ntasks=8

### Request all CPUs on one node
#SBATCH --nodes=1

### Change to the work directory
cd "$HOME/jobdirectory"

module load ANSYS

### Execute your application
### For different ansys versions, change the executable name accordingly,
### e.g. ansys212 for Ansys 21.2
### -b : Run the job in ANSYS batch mode.
### -i : ANSYS input file.
### -o : ANSYS output file:
ansys212 -b -o ansys.out -i


Ansys licensing information

You may use Ansys using either one of two different licenses: The Ansys Academic Teaching license and the Ansys Academic Research license. The former one may be used for free by students (bachelor/master) for educational purposes and will automatically be available when you load the software. The Academic Research license may be purchased by RWTH institutes for research purposes. Users have to be granted access to use one of these licenses by the owning institute. Please contact your local IT administrator for this.

Please be aware that the teaching license is restricted in its features. For further details, please take a look at the feature set. Most importantly, the teaching licenses are restricted to 4 cores, as they do not provide the aa_r_hpc feature.

Per default, only the license paths to the research licenses (need to be paid) are set. If you wish to use the teaching licenses, please set the following environment variables AFTER loading the ansys module:


One needs to reset the license preferences for each version one wishes to use. Please use


and then:

Set License Preferences for User -> Choose Version -> Reset to Default

Changing License Preferences in Ansys

You may change the license preferences within the Ansys workbench according to your needs. This is especially important when choosing a Teaching license over an available Research license since the desired license needs to have a higher priority. To do so, start the workbench and navigate to Tools -> License Preferences... in the context menu:

Ansys Licence Preferences 1

Within the upcoming menu, use the buttons "Move up" and "Move down" to reorder the priority. The priority decreases from top to bottom. Proceed on all necessary tabs within the preference window.

Ansys Licence Preferences 2

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I run the Ansys Workbench?
    module load ANSYS


How to Access the Software

Load CFX module

module load ANSYS

Example Batch Scripts

Serial Job:


### Job name

### File / path where STDOUT will be written, the %J is the job id
#SBATCH --output=cfx-serial-log.%J

### Request the time you need for execution. The full format is D-HH:MM:SS
### You must at least specify minutes or days and hours and may add or
### leave out any other parameters
#SBATCH --time=80

### Change to the work directory, if not here
cd "$HOME/jobdirectory"

### load modules
module load ANSYS

# start non-interactive batch job
cfx5solve -def job.def

Parallel Job (please use only in batch system; does not work interactive):

Note: You might have to use Open MPI as your start-method if you notice a dramatic performance drop:

-start-method "Open MPI Distributed Parallel"

Batch Script


### Job name
#SBATCH --job-name=CFX_MPI

### File / path where STDOUT will be written, the %J is the job id
#SBATCH --output=cfx-mpi-log.%J

### Request the time you need for execution. The full format is D-HH:MM:SS
### You must at least specify minutes or days and hours and may add or
### leave out any other parameters
#SBATCH --time=80

### Request number of hosts
#SBATCH --nodes=1

### Request number of CPUs
#SBATCH --ntasks=8

### Change to the work directory
cd "$HOME/jobdirectory"

### load modules
module load ANSYS

### start non-interactive batch job
cfx5solve -def job.def -par-dist "$R_WLM_CFXHOSTLIST" -start-method "Intel MPI Distributed Parallel"

Additional Information

  • Depending on the requirements of your simulation, the default single precision of CFX's solver might not yield proper results. The solver and its components can be set to double precision by adding the -double argument to cfx5solve.


How to Access the Software

How to load the Fluent module:

module load ANSYS

Example Batch Scripts

Serial Job


### Job name

### File / path where STDOUT will be written, the %J is the job id
#SBATCH --output=fluent-serial-log.%J

### Request the time you need for execution. The full format is D-HH:MM:SS
### You must at least specify minutes or days and hours and may add or
### leave out any other parameters
#SBATCH --time=80

### Change to the work directory
cd "$HOME/jobdirectory"

### load modules
module load ANSYS

# start non-interactive batch job
fluent -g -platform=intel -i journalfile

Parallel Job - Shared Memory


### Job name

### File / path where STDOUT will be written, the %J is the job id
#SBATCH --output=fluent-omp-log.%J

### Request the time you need for execution. The full format is D-HH:MM:SS
### You must at least specify minutes or days and hours and may add or
### leave out any other parameters
#SBATCH --time=80

### Request number of CPUs=Threads
#SBATCH --ntasks=8
#SBATCH --nodes=1

### Change to the work directory
cd "$HOME/jobdirectory"

### Load modules
module load ANSYS

# start non-interactive batch job
fluent 3d -g -pshmem -t$SLURM_NTASKS -platform=intel -i journalfile

Parallel Job - Distributed Memory


### Job name

### File / path where STDOUT will be written, the %J is the job id
#SBATCH --output fluent-MPI-log.%J

### Request the time you need for execution. The full format is D-HH:MM:SS
### You must at least specify minutes or days and hours and may add or
### leave out any other parameters
#SBATCH --time=80

### Request number of CPUs
#SBATCH --ntasks=8

### Change to the work directory
cd "$HOME/jobdirectory"

### Load modules
module purge
module load ANSYS

# Set environment variables

### start non-interactive batch job
fluent 3ddp -g $R_WLM_FLUENT_PARAMETERS -i journalfile

Interactive usage

How to load the Fluent module

module load ANSYS

In the Ansys Workbench:

  1. Select the "Component Toolbox"
  2. Add the "Fluent" Toolbox
  3. Run "Setup"
  4. Select the "Processing Option" "Parallel"

    (+ "Show more options")

    (Tab "Parallel Settings")

  5. Choose "infiniband" as "Interconnects"
  6. Choose "openmpi" as "MPI types"

Steps 1 to 3

Steps 4 to 6


How to Access the Software

How to load the ICEM module

module load ANSYS

Example Batch Script


### Job name

### File / path where STDOUT will be written, the %J is the job id
#SBATCH --output=icem-serial-log.%J

### Request the time you need for execution. The full format is D-HH:MM:SS
### You must at least specify minutes or days and hours and may add or
### leave out any other parameters
#SBATCH --time=80

### Export an environment var - do you need that?
export A_ENV_VAR=10

### Change to the work directory
cd "$HOME/workdirectory"

### load modules
module load ANSYS

# start non-interactive batch job
icemcfd -batch -script icem.script

# You need a file containing information for net generation, e. g.
# an icem.skript containing the following line
# ic_run_tetra "Job.tin" "tetra_mesh.uns"

Known limitations

MPI vendors

Ansys is delivered with support for different MPI vendors: IBM-MPI (previously known as HP-MPI), OpenMPI, IntelMPI, each in varying versions, sometimes more than one, but mostly older versions. As we have an Intel OmniPath fabric in our clusters we focus on IntelMPI. We do not support IBMMPI and OpenMPI for Ansys (but do not rule out the possibility that these could work on some circumstances)

In terms of performance, a single-node job is (almost) always faster than the same amount of ranks spread across multiple nodes due to the fact that a fabric is always slower than intra-node communication. Try to stay on a single node whenever possible.

last changed on 09/09/2024

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